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Trouble in Hell (Hell Night 1)

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“Earl, what are you doing over here with my customer?” Doris asks, setting my water in front of me. I didn’t even see her walk up. She props her hands on her hips and glares at the man named Earl.

“I ain’t doing nothin’ but gettin’ to know the newcomer. Since we don’t get many, she’s sort of a novelty around here.”

She snorts and rolls her eyes then snaps her fingers and uses her thumb to point up. “Get up and leave the poor girl alone. Go finish your drink before Birdie starts lookin’ for you.”

He grumbles under his breath, but

thankfully pushes himself out of his seat and wanders back to the bar. Doris eyes the rest of the crowd.

“Eyes back on your own business,” she barks, and they all go back to what they were doing before Earl came over. Doris turns back to me. “Jesus. It’s like you’re a rare unicorn they’ve never seen before.”

I smile in gratitude. I’ve never been the type to like attention drawn to me. “Thanks.”

“No problem, dear. You’ll find a lot of nosy people in this town. Some are more open with that curiosity. Earl’s one of them—” She casts a glance his way before looking back at me, “—but you don’t need to worry. He’s harmless. Birdie’d kick his ass if he wasn’t. Now, are you sure there’s nothin’ else I can get you?”

I shake my head. “No, the water’s fine.” Remembering I never officially got her name, I hold out my hand. “I’m Remi.”

She takes my hand, and I’m surprised at how firm her grip is for a woman her age.

“Doris. It’s nice to meet you, Remi. Tell me if any of these knuckleheads harass you again.”

The door opens, drawing both of our attention toward it. Two women, one with short blonde hair and one with long red hair, both incredibly beautiful, come strutting in. The blonde pushes a pair of sunglasses up to rest on top of her head, while the red head sweeps her long locks over one shoulder. Both are dressed in fancy dresses and high heels, and don’t look like they belong in such a relaxed place like The Hill.

Doris’s lips break into a gentle smile as she walks back behind the bar. “You here for Judge’s lunch?”


“Yep,” chirps the red head as she steps up to the bar beside Earl. “How ya doing today, Earl?”

“Right as rain, now that I’ve seen you ladies.”

Red head giggles. “Better not let Birdie here you say that. I heard she boxed your ears not long ago for flirting with Fanny Mae.”

“Was harmless,” he says, scratching the back of his neck, as if embarrassed. “She knows I’d never touch another woman.”

I look over to the blonde to find her watching me as I watch Earl and the red head. She’s not giving me the Malus Look like I normally get. Hers is more curious than hostile.

I’m just about to glance away when her lips form a small smile and she starts moving my way. Dread fills me, and I wonder if I’m about to have more questions asked of me. I’m not sure how much more intrusiveness I can take. I’m generally a pretty private person, so airing my business to strangers isn’t something I’m used to.

“Hey,” she says, her voice soft and serene.


She thrusts a manicured hand at me. Do they have manicurists here in Malus?

“I’m Jenny.”

I hesitate for a moment before placing my hand in hers. Something sweet and delicate hits my nose. It smells expensive.


Her grin seems sincere. “Remi,” she repeats. “I like that name. Do you mind if I sit?”

Unlike Earl, she waits until I nod. I don’t know why, but for some reason the woman puts my mind at ease.

She stays quite for a moment, simply looking at me. Picking up my water, I take several swallows, just to do something.

“You’re the new girl in town with the broken car.” She poses it as a statement, so I don’t say anything.

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