Trouble in Hell (Hell Night 1) - Page 26

“How far along are you?”

My hand is wet from the condensation from the glass, and I rub it against my leggings.

“I just turned thirty-five weeks.”

A dreamy look comes over her face. “You’re very lucky. I’d love to have a baby, but Judge is adamant on not having any. I’m hoping he’ll change his mind one day.”

I don’t know what to say to that. I wouldn’t say I was lucky. I mean, I love the baby growing in my belly, but the way he came about was anything but lucky and more like horrific.

“You’re very pretty,” Jenny states abruptly, catching me off guard.

“Oh, well, th-thank you,” I stammer.

She laughs lightly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel weird. Sometimes my mouth opens before my brain has a chance to realize I probably shouldn’t say something. You just have very kind eyes and your skin seems flawless.”

My nose wrinkles at that. “You’ve just caught me on a good day. My hormones are all over the place. One day my skin looks great and the next I’ll be breaking out faster than popcorn pops out of its kernel.”

Her laugh is infectious, and because I can’t help it, I join in.

“You ready, Jen?” The redhead asks, walking over with a white bag in her hand. She eyes me inquisitively.

“In a minute.” She pats the seat next to her. “Sit. I want you to meet Remi first. Remi, this is my friend, Jamie.”

With grace, Jamie takes a seat and places the bag on the table.

“It’s nice to meet you, Remi.”

“You as well.”

Jamie’s eyes flick to Jenny’s for a brief moment, and something passes between them.

“I was just telling Remi how pretty she is. Isn’t she gorgeous, Jamie?”

Mirth enters Jamie’s eyes, while I sit there feeling even more weird than before. Why do I get the feeling I’m on display or something?

“She is, but I don’t think she would be up for it.”

“You never know. It could be her thing.”

I frown and shift in my seat. Be up for what?

“She’s pregnant, Jen.” Her eyebrows lift. “I mean no offense—” she says, talking to me, then looks at Jenny, “—but she’s very pregnant.”

“So? Pregnant women get horny. I’ve actually heard they’re more randy during pregnancy.”

Whoa! Wait! What in the world are they talking about?

Seeing the horror and confusion creeping across my face, the hilarity in Jamie’s grows until she’s laughing outright. Her hands splay on the table in front of her as her laughter turns to giggles.

“You’re kind of freaking her out right now, Jen.”

Jenny jerks her head to me and her eyes widen. “Oh, my gosh! I’m so sorry! We must sound like total lunatics, don’t we?”

Before I can confirm her statement, because yes, they do sound like lunatics, Jamie starts to explain, which does nothing to wipe away my shocked expression.

“The thing is, Judge is looking for a new mistress. Penelope just recently moved away to care for her ailing mother in San Antonio. Jenny here thought you would be a good candidate, even though he’d never go for a pregnant woman, and she knows that.”

Jenny pouts. “I was hoping if he took a pregnant woman, he may change his mind about having kids.”

Tags: Alex Grayson Hell Night Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024