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Trouble in Hell (Hell Night 1)

Page 54

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“Oh, I’m sure you can talk her into it.”

I grunt. “We’ll see.”

If Remi accepts, I’ll bring her along, but I won’t be talking her into it if she refuses. The last thing I need is Mae checking over Remi to see if she’s wife material. She’s been hounding my brothers and me for the last several years to find a wife and have kids; something the four of us aren’t too inclined to do. At least not until we’ve taken out everyone on our list.

“I’ll see what I can do,” I say, noncommittedly.

“Seven o’clock sharp, Trouble. Don’t be late.”

“Got it.”

I toss my phone on the desk and press the heels of my palms into my eyes. Damn Mae and her meddling ways. I’ve no doubt this dinner will be an interview for a spousal position. The stress of what I learned earlier, and now this, leaves me with one massive headache. It’s been a rather lengthy day, and I’m ready for it to be over with.

I put a few more notes in the patient file, then close my laptop. Ten minutes later, I’m locking the door, pocketing my keys, and making the short walk to Susan’s house. She left an hour ago after seeing the last patient out.

I tell myself the whole way there that the only reason I’m stopping by is to invite her to Mae’s tomorrow, but the bag in my hand, and my mind whispering words to me, calls me a liar.

Several houses down from Susan’s, a screen door slams shut, and I look over just as Tommy, one of th

e town’s teenagers, is walking down his steps. His head swivels my way, and all the way from across the street, I see the teen’s throat bob.

“How’s it going, Tommy.” I say, holding back my chuckle at the way his steps have slowed, keeping his distance from me.

Serves the little shit right to be scared. When Susan informed me that Remi overheard him and his friends talking about The Finishing, I had a talk with him and his parents. He’s lucky he didn’t say more than he did, or he would have been in a lot more trouble than he was. He could have caused a lot of problems for the town. Problems my brothers and I would have had to work our asses off correcting. Everyone knows no one is allowed in the clearing, under any circumstances, especially during The Finishing.

The fact that Tommy’s normally a good kid was the only thing that kept him from being punished. We would never hurt him, that shit doesn’t happen in Malus, but there’s other forms of punishment besides physical that will ensure a person doesn’t make the same mistake twice. In Tommy’s case, a little fear and intimidation goes a long way.

“H-hello, Dr. Trayce,” he stutters.

“Stayin’ out of trouble?”

“Yes, sir.” He shuffles his feet nervously, and I decide to let him off easily.

I tip my head at him. “Enjoy your day.”

Relief weighs his shoulders down. “T-thank you, sir. You too.”

Shaking my head, I continue my walk to Susan’s. Taking the steps two at a time, I rap my knuckles against the door. A moment later, Susan answers, her brows lifted in question.

“I need to see Remi,” I state.

She backs up so I can enter, but doesn’t interrogate me on my impromptu visit. “She’s in her room.”

The door is mostly closed and the room is dark when I push it open. I spot Remi lying on the bed, her back facing me. Knowing I shouldn’t, but needing to see her after the shit I learned today, and not giving a fuck if it’s right or wrong, I step inside the room. Pushing the door back to the same position, there’s just enough light filtering through the dark curtains for me to make out her sleeping features and the beautiful hair fanned out on her pillow. I drop the small bag beside the bed and just stare at her.

The same thought comes to mind every time I see her; how beautiful she is. After knowing what I now know, she’s even more so. It takes a strong woman to go through what she did and come out on the other side even stronger. Most women in her position would have given her baby up for adoption or had an abortion.

My eyes land on the small blanketed bundle lovingly pressed to his mother’s chest. A pile of pillows on the other side ensures the baby won’t fall off the bed. Remi’s not only strong, but courageous. I can’t help but admire her.

She moans faintly, and her eyes slowly flicker open. As if sensing my presence, she turns her head and her sleepy gaze meets mine. Instead of surprise at finding me basically watching her while she sleeps, I’m relieved to see a soft look enter her eyes. It makes me wonder what she’s thinking.

“Hey,” she whispers so low I can barely hear her.

“Hey.” I keep my voice just as quiet.

Carefully, she rolls to her back and wedges a small pillow between her and Elijah to make sure she doesn’t jostle him when she moves. “What are you doing here?”

Unable to help myself, I brush away a piece of hair resting on her cheek. Her eyes close briefly at the contact.

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