Trouble in Hell (Hell Night 1) - Page 55

“I’ve brought you something.”

Surprise and confusion flashes in her eyes. “Really? But why?”

I chuckle. “Typically, when someone receives a gift, they say thank you, and not question it.”

She rolls her eyes. “Typically, people don’t receive gifts from people they don’t really know.”

A smirk has one corner of my mouth tipping up. “True, but you wouldn’t call our situation typical, would you?”

I don’t give her a chance to answer before I’m sitting on the small space left on the bed by her hip and pick up the gift bag. She frowns when I hand it to her. Instead of taking it right away, she sits up and gently scoots back until she’s leaning against the headboard, the whole time making sure she doesn’t disturb Elijah’s slumber. It isn’t until she’s comfortable that she hesitantly reaches for the bag.

“Trouble, you didn’t—”

I shut down her protest immediately. “Stop arguing and just take the gifts, Remi.”

Her bottom lip gets caught between her teeth, and for a moment, it looks as though she’s going to refuse again. Pleasure washes through me when she relents and opens the bag. The first thing she pulls out is a baby book. It’s nothing special with a light blue plaid design with different colored tiles that read It’s A Boy across the cover.

Her eyes jump to mine. “I-I don’t know what to say,” she states quietly. She looks back at the book and runs her hand over the cover, a small smile playing on her lips. “I haven’t been able to get much for Elijah because I knew I was moving and didn’t want to have to haul it all to Colorado. If it wasn’t for Susan asking people around town for baby items they didn’t need, I’d have even less for him. It was very nice and generous of everyone who helped.” She lifts her eyes back to mine. “This is…” She stops and shakes her head. “You didn’t have to do this, but thank you anyway. I can’t wait to start recording everything new he does.”

I nod, accepting her gratitude and keeping my mouth shut about the part of Susan asking around town for baby items. It’s better that she believes it was her and not me.

“There’s something else.” I jerk my chin to the bag.

Frowning, she reaches inside past the tissue paper and pulls out a small lime green mesh draw string bag. Untying the strings, she tips the bag until a silver chain drops in her hand.

“What is this?”

I take the chain from her hand and hold it up for her to see the cross. “He may not be able to wear it yet, but I’ve seen the cross you wear, so I figured he needed one too. You could hang it over his bed until he’s old enough.”

Tears glisten in her eyes, and I barely restrain the curse lodged in my throat. The last thing I want to do is make her cry.

“Thank you,” she chokes out. I’m relieved when she doesn’t let the tears fall. I’m not sure I would have been able to hold back from pulling her into my arms if they had. “Sorry,” she apologizes unnecessarily. “It was just so nice of you to think of Elijah like that.” Reaching up, she fingers the cross she has around her neck. “My father gave this to me when I was five, and I had planned to get one for Elijah. I’m not really religious, but my father was, and he firmly believed having a cross close to your heart would protect you from evil.”

If only that were true. Her father may have believed it, but his beliefs were false. That piece of silver didn’t save her from the pure evil who was Phillip Lancaster. Of course, that’s a piece of information that I’m not supposed to know, so I keep my opinion to myself.

“Thank you. I’ll make sure to hang it above his crib as soon as we’re at my brother’s house.”

I ignore the way it makes me feel at the reminder that she’ll be leaving soon.

“It’s nothing special. Just a cheap piece of silver, but I figured it could hold him over until you get him one yourself.”

The words feel like acid as they roll off my tongue. The chain and cross are technically cheap, but the sentimental value is priceless. Why I chose to give something of Rella’s, something I’ve cherished for years to Remi for Elijah, is something I’m not ready to think about yet.

Her hand lands on top of mine. “Regardless of the price, I’ll still treasure it. It was unbelievably kind of you to think of him.”

I flip my hand over and grab her fingers. Lifting them to my lips, I lay a kiss there.

Dangerous fucking territory, the inner voice in my mind warns. This is bad. Really damn bad.

I don’t let the voice stop me. As soon as my lips brush the back of her hand, her breath stutters. I can hear the hitch

in her breathing and feel the flutters in her pulse from where my fingers touch her inner wrist.

Seeing the desire darken her eyes, it weakens my resolve even more, and before I realize it, I’m leaning toward her. My lips barely press against hers, but even from such a small contact she feels better than anyone I’ve ever kissed before. And there’s been plenty. I briefly wonder if it’s because it’s been a while since I’ve gotten laid, but know that would only be an excuse.

A needy moan leaves her lips and she presses them more firmly against mine. Against my better judgement, I give her what she’s silently asking for and open my mouth to meet my tongue against hers.

Mint and chocolate are what she tastes like. Both are a new favorite of mine. I’m finding a lot of things about Remi have become my new favorite.

Tags: Alex Grayson Hell Night Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024