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Trouble in Hell (Hell Night 1)

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“Whatever’s cooking, Mae, it smells delicious,” he remarks, stepping up to the stove without looking at anyone in the room. He dips his finger in the pot then immediately yanks it back out. “Ow! Fuck, that’s hot,” he says right before bringing the sore digit to his mouth.

“You watch your mouth, JW. There’s a lady and baby present,” Mae scolds from her seat. “And keep your fingers away from my dumplings.”

The man named JW whips around, his surprised eyes landing on me. I offer a half smile and a wave. I assume this must be one of Trouble’s brothers he spoke of earlier.

“Hi.” I wave awkwardly.

The surprise leaves his face and his eyes flicker to Trouble before he steps forward and holds out his hand. He smiles, but it seems forced.

“Hey. I’m JW, and you must be Remi.”

I take his hand, not surprised he already knows my name. “Yes.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” he remarks as he pulls his hand away.

That I am surprised about. There’s not much anyone could know about me, so I wonder what’s being said.

He answers my unspoken question with a smirk. “Judge’s ladies won’t stop talking about you. Especially Jenny.” His eyes move to Mae holding Elijah. “If I didn’t know she’d never do anything of the sort, I’d worry she’d snatch that baby up and keep him for herself.”

My eyes widen.

“JW! Really?” Mae says loudly.

“What the fuck, JW,” Trouble growls. “Are you stupid? You can’t say shit like that.”

He shrugs. “What? It’s true. Every time I’m near her, she gushes obsessively about that baby. I feel sorry for Judge.”

I lean toward Mae. “She wouldn’t try to take him, would she?” I can’t keep the trembling fear out of my voice.

She pats my hand. “No dear, you don’t need to worry. The last thing Jenny would ever do is hurt someone like that.”

She looks at JW, her eyes narrowing into angry slits. I glance at Trouble. I’m not really worried, but I’d rather have his reassurance as well.

“Nothing’s going to happen to Elijah. JW’s just a dumbass and speaks before he thinks sometimes.”


All three of us look over to JW when he speaks the name. His brows are raised as he looks at Trouble with a question in his eyes.

He opens his mouth to speak, but a loud squeal comes from the doorway. Jenny rushes into the room and heads straight for Mae, her arms stretched out to grab Elijah. Another man walks into the room at a much slower pace. This man is taller than Trouble by at least a couple of inches. He’s also carries himself differently. He seems more refined and dignified, giving off a vibe of authority. Dark-brown hair and hard green eyes has him lumped into the same good looks category as Trouble and JW.

He notices me immediately and the look he sends my way almost has me quaking in my seat. I don’t think I’m going to get the same welcome greeting as JW gave. I get being leery because I’m the new woman in town and no one really knows anything about me, but this is different. He almost seems hostile.

“Jesus, Mae,” Trouble mutters. “Did you invite everyone? You didn’t say this was a family affair.”

She gets up from the chair after handing Elijah to Jenny and Jenny sits in her place.

“Why wouldn’t I invite everyone?”

“Because I could have at least warned Remi beforehand.”

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “I’m sure she’ll be just fine.”

I wish I had her confidence. From the disturbing looks I’m getting from the new man and the curious ones coming from JW, I’m not entirely sure how well this dinner’s going to go.

Mae hits the man in his stomach with her hand towel. “Stop with the nasty looks, Judge. You’re going to scare the poor girl.”

His answer is to grunt and look away from me. With his ominous gaze off me, I release the breath I

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