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Trouble in Hell (Hell Night 1)

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I know his take on an outsider coming to Malus, but this is my brother and it’s been too long since I’ve seen him. Besides, it would only be for a few days. I’m sure nothing will happen in that time.

I play with the condensation on my glass. “Yes. He’s worried about me.” There was no way I could have kept Phillip escaping from him—it would have hurt him and pissed him off—so I didn’t even try. “I barely got him to agree to let me stay. Only Elijah being born early swayed him. I don’t think he’ll be put off from visiting.”

The muscle in his jaw tightens fractionally, but after a moment, the tension disappears. As much as the thought of staying here appeals to me, I won’t if it means I’ll never get to see my brother. I could easily visit him, but he’d get suspicious if I never invited him here. Besides Lynn—who I love like a sister—Kian is the only family I have left. Nothing would make me give him up.

I can tell Trouble doesn’t like the idea, but he nods anyway. “Okay. Just give me a heads up so I can let my brothers know.”

Relief has my shoulders sagging, and I smile at him gratefully. “Thank you.”

He reaches across the table and grabs my hand. His fingers start running along the length of mine, and even that simple act is enough to send sparks to my center. I clench my thighs together.

“I don’t think there’s much I’d say no to when it comes to you.” His voice is deep and husky. He lets my hand go and stands. “Come on.”

Throwing my napkin on the table, I get to my feet and follow him to the bar to pay for our dinner. Being a Friday night, there’s more people than usual, but Doris, with a rag thrown over her shoulder, comes straight over to take care of the bill. People try to stop us on our way to the door to talk to Trouble, but he just waves and says he’ll see them later.

His grip on my hand is tight as he leads me outside into the muggy night air. Nervous energy swarms in my stomach, and I settle my hand over my abdomen to help calm it down. I don’t know why I’m so anxious. It’s not like I’ve never had sex before. Even before Phillip took what he did from me, I had been sexually active. And it’s not from fear because of what Phillip did.

It’s Trouble. The couple of guys I had sex with before weren’t just random hook-ups. I had feelings for both of them, but the feelings Trouble invokes in me are much stronger. Before, with the other guys, I simply cared for them. With Trouble, I… love him. I love him so much that I feel it in every part of my body.

I know sex with Trouble will be so much more than I’ve ever felt. It’ll be all-consuming and life changing.

When we come up to Susan’s house, I turn my feet toward the driveway. I only get one step in that direction before I’m pulled back.

I frown. “What are you doing? We need to get Elijah.”

He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me with him as he starts past her house. “Not yet. We’re picking Elijah up at nine.”

“But, Trouble, I don’t want—”

I’m cut off when he stops and spins me to face him. His hands rest casually against my waist with mine flat on his pecs.

“Stop fretting, baby. Susan doesn’t mind watching him. She loves that little boy. Besides, I really fucking need you to myself right now.”

From the hard ridge I feel against my lower stomach, he means it, and holy hell, do I want him to myself right now too.

I swallow, trying to wet my suddenly dry mouth, and give him a nod. He pulls my body flush against his and dips down to steal a kiss. I barely suppress my moan of disappointment when he pulls away. The sexy quirk to his lips says my moan wasn’t needed.

We don’t take our time on the walk back to his house. Our steps are hurried, and he once again ignores a couple of people trying to get his attention. One house down from his, I let out a squeak when I’m all of a sudden hoisted over his shoulder.

“Trouble!” I laugh. “Put me down!”

He taps my bottom twice. “Sorry, baby, but you’re walking too slow.”

I giggle and can’t help but admire his tight jean-covered butt, since you know, it’s right in my face. I’m tempted to bite it, but settle on caressing it instead.

Not expecting my bold move, he stumbles a step. “Shit,” he mutters and tightens his hold on the back of my thighs.

What seems like forever, but couldn’t be more than a minute or two, he’s pushing through his front door. I expect him to set me down as soon as we’re over the threshold, but he surprises me by slamming the door closed and stalking to his bedroom.

When he does finally put me down, it’s a slow slide down his body that drives my girly bits crazy. From the look on his face, he’s no better off.

I’m on my feet, but still very much pressed against his front. One of his hands laces in my hair and he tilts my head back, so I’m forced to look at him.

“I’m fucking dying here,” he murmurs before nipping at my bottom lip. “Tell me now if this isn’t what you want.”

“I do,” I breath heavily. Lifting my arms, I wind them around his neck. “I want this so much. I want you, Trouble.”

His eyes flare with barely restrained passion and a deep groan rumbles from his throat. Then his lips are on mine, devouring me whole. My knees go slack, and I clutch onto his shoulders to hold myself up. I meet his tongue halfway. I always love the taste of him. It

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