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Key to Hell (Hell Night 4)

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And with that, she stomps to the door, flings it open so hard it bangs against the wall, and walks out without closing it behind her.

“I’ll never know what in the hell you saw in her,” Ella mutters.

I shoot her a look. “Don’t start.”

Walking to the door, I look out and make sure she’s gone before closing it.

“You need to learn to curb your temper.” I walk past her to the hallway. “It’s going to get you in trouble one day.”

She scoffs. “My temper is just fine when it comes to that woman.”

Ignoring her, because she won’t listen anyway, I go back to the room Kyle’s in. He’s back in the chair doing something on his phone.

“Everything cool?”

His question comes as no surprise. Neither does the fact that he didn’t come out to investigate what was going on. Living on this side of the tracks, you expect shit like that to happen. It’s our normal everyday lives.

“Yeah,” I grunt, grabbing my phone to start my music again.

“It was Cora, wasn’t it?”

I tip my chin as my answer.

“Better watch that one. She’s fucking crazy. She jacked up my brother’s junk big time when he refused to let her go down on him. Ended up in the emergency room to make sure she didn’t do permanent damage.”

“I’ve got my eyes peeled.”

I’m not worried about myself. I’m worried about Ella. She’s strong and can pretty much take care of herself, but there’s no telling what that crazy bitch will do.

I make a mental to note to put a word out on the street that if anyone fucks with Ella, the consequences will be harsh. People already know my reputation and that extends to my family, but if I put out a warning specifically aimed toward Cora or anyone pertaining to Cora, the word will spread fast, and I know she’ll hear it. I just hope she’s smart enough to heed it.

I pull up my playlist, press play, grab a fresh pair of gloves, and get back to work on Kyle’s tattoo.

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