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Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2)

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I next look to Trouble, who’s bent over a table with Mr. Leland behind him. Mr. Leland has Trouble’s arms wrenched behind his back. Trouble’s head just hangs, and it looks like he might be passed out.

My eyes move across the room to Emo. He’s in a chair with little Rella, Trouble’s sister, on his lap. Emo’s dad is behind Rella with his hands on her shoulders, pushing her down. Emo’s eyes look dead as he stares off into space. His jaw is tense though, so I know he feels more than he’s letting on.

“Assume the position, you little shit,” Trey growls behind me.

Before I get a chance to do as he says, my head is shoved forward, and I barely catch myself with my hands before my face plants into the mattress. The sheets are silk and feel cool against my skin. The smell on the sheets reminds me of what my clothes smell like after Mom’s washed them.

I look to my left and see Mom on her back on a bed with a girl named Katie lying the opposite way on top of her. Dad is behind Katie holding her hips. I turn my head away when he does something that makes Katie scream.

As my pants are yanked down to my knees, I’m reminded of what’s about to happen. I wonder what I’ve ever done to my brother to make him do these things to me. Why does he hate me so much? How can he hurt his little brother? I know if I had a little brother or sister, I’d do all I could to protect them. Just like Trouble does for his sister. He’s not always able to protect her from the evil of Hell Night, but there’s been a few times he did.

Pain enters my backside and the base of my spine. I drop my forehead to my crossed arms in front of me and suck in a sharp breath, then blow it out through the piercing pain. Tears pool in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. Trey knows he’s hurting me, but I won’t let him see how much. It seems to spur him on more if I do.

I squeeze my eyes shut and block out what’s going on around me. As much as I try to push away the pain though, nothing works. I still feel it in every part of my body. Even the parts Trey doesn’t touch.

I dig my nails into my arms, hoping that will override the pain in my lower half. It doesn’t work. I stifle a cry when my hips are yanked back, and agonizing pinpricks radiate through my bowels. Blood coats my mouth, and I realize I’ve bitten my lip. It’s weird because I don’t feel it.

Holding my breath, I send up a silent prayer that I’ll pass out from not breathing, but just as I become lightheaded, my body’s instincts take over and I suck in air.

There’s nothing I can do to make the terror of what’s happening to me go away. There never is.

All I can do, all I can ever do, is endure it and wait for the hours to pass….


THE CALL COMES IN RIGHT as my ass hits the seat of my truck. Sometimes when things are slow in Malus, which is pretty much always, I make a few rounds around town to check things over. I also like to hit the farms on the outskirts.

Grabbing my phone, I expect the call to be from the station, so I’m surprised when I see Eden’s number flash across the screen. I close my door and start my truck as I swipe and accept the call.

“Sheriff Ward.”

“Hey. This is Eden,” she starts. My hackles rise when I note the tremble in her voice. “Can you come to Jenny’s?”

“What’s wrong?” I ask. Checking my mirror, I pull away from the curb and whip a U-turn.

“It’s not really something I want to describe over the phone. It’s better if you see it.”

Concern seeps in my blood, causing my foot to press harder on the gas pedal. “Two minutes. I’ll be there in two minutes. Is everyone okay?”

Her breath fans across the line. “Yes. It’s just….” She trails off. “Just get here quickly.”

“I’m only a few blocks away.”

I toss my phone on the dash, my mind whirling with what could be wrong. I only saw her not even two hours ago. What could possibly go wrong in that short time? And does it have to do with Diego? At that thought, I accelerate, going too fast for the center of town, but unable to slow down.

A minute later, I’m breaking in front of Judge and Jenny’s house and jumping from my truck. Not bothering to knock, I open the door and stalk inside. My eyes light on Eden and Jenny on the sofa. They’re sitting close, huddled together. They both turn at my entrance and Eden gets to her feet, a look of relief sagging her shoulders.

“What’s happened?” I demand, striding across the living room.

“Come look.” She gestures to the door leading to the back yard.

When I step up to the door, the sight that greets me turns even my stomach, and I’ve seen some gruesome shit in my life, even being the cause of it a few times.

“Damn.” I mutter. It’s not uncommon for a wild animal to hunt pets and their carcasses to end up on someone’s property. We are in the wilds of Texas, after all.

Turning, I find Eden right behind me, her eyes leveled on the poor dog. “Go back and sit with Jenny. I’ll take care of this.”

Her eyes flit away and meet mine. Sadness lurks in their green depths. “I wanted to wait for you, but I need a closer look at him.”

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