Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2) - Page 26

Ignoring his demand, I look back to Eden. Her cheeks are still pink. The color matches her gorgeous red hair. My dick twitches, and I’d damn near give anything to be alone with her right now. Even now, with the haze of desire muted and reality seeping in, I want her more than my next breath.

“Have dinner with me tomorrow?” The words come out more a demand than a question, but I don’t take them back.

I know her answer before she shakes her head. It’s in her eyes. The hesitancy.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why the hell not?”

“It’ll just add more complications to an already thorny situation,” she answers, throwing her arms across her chest in a defensive move.

“I disagree.” I step forward until I’m crowding her. “I think it’ll make this situation a lot more pleasurable. Why not take advantage and get something good out of it? After what we just did, you can’t deny we would be damn good together.”

She tugs her bottom lip between her teeth, her brow crunching as she thinks over my offer. If I knew it would help my case, I’d drop to my knees and beg. The notion makes me inwardly cringe. I’ve never begged a woman a day in my life, and for the thought to cross my mind to do so now, makes my asshole clench. The woman does some serious shit to my manhood. If I didn’t want her so much, I’d forfeit the idea and be on my way. But there’s this pull I feel toward her I can’t seem to ignore. Hell, I don’t even want to try to ignore it.

After several long seconds, she finally puts me out of my misery.

“Okay.” My dick goes from half-mast to hard as granite with her answer. “But,” she tacks on, “There’s no guarantee on the sex part.”

I give her a cocky grin. “Sure.” There most definitely will be. I’ll make damn sure she can’t resist me.

She narrows her eyes, but keeps her mouth shut. Leaning down, I place a kiss against her closed lips. “See you tomorrow,” I murmur.

Spinning on my heel, I whistle a happy tune as I descend the steps.

Eden has no fucking clue she’ll be on her back come tomorrow night, whispering my name as she comes over and over again.


WHAT IN THE HELL POSSESSED me to say yes to JW yesterday? My last relationship ended with me witnessing my ex kill another woman. While I don’t think JW is the type to kill or beat women, I’m still fresh out of a relationship that ended horribly. I can’t afford to start something new. Even if it is only temporary. Besides, something tells me temporary with JW won’t be so simple. Yes, I’ve had casual relationships before, and I’ve even had a couple one-night stands—what can I say? I enjoy sex. If I had met JW when I wasn’t running for my life and currently depending on him to save my life, I would have already snatched him up and seduced him. It’s just sucky timing. I need to be concentrating on staying alive, not on how big JW’s cock is and if he prefers doggy style over reverse cowgirl.

Even through all the reasons why I shouldn’t have dinner with JW rush through my head, I’m still looking forward to it. I know myself enough to not make any mental promises on what can’t happen during our time together. Especially after what happened yesterday on Jenny and Judge’s porch. I was so turned on from my encounter with JW, that I was forced to change my panties when I came back into the house. I may have also gotten myself off in the shower before bed. No, I definitely got myself off, and with thoughts of JW, it took all of maybe two minutes.

Thinking about it even now has me wanting to clench my thighs together as I make my way out of the bedroom. It’s late, just after eleven in the morning. I haven’t slept this late in years, but it felt good to simply laze around and not have to be anywhere or have any pressing matters to attend to.

Back in San Antonio, I’m a shift manager at an Irish pub and grill. Before I left, I called my boss, Finn, and told him I had to take a leave of absence due to a family emergency, and I was unsure when I would be back. The awesome guy who Finn is, he accepted my explanation without question and told me my job was there when I returned. I knew he would understand. He’s been an exceptional boss. It’s one of the reasons why I’ve stayed working for him for six years.

When I walk out into the living room, I almost turn back around to go back to my room. As it is, I barely muffle the groan working its way up my throat. Jenny’s on the couch, her back to the armrest, facing me. Her grin is big and telling.

“It’s about time you got up,” she says enthusiastically, nearly bouncing in her seat. “I’ve been waiting hours.”

Yesterday, when I came inside after JW left, I found Jenny and Judge on the couch watching the news. He had his arm thrown over her shoulder and she was snuggled up to his side. As soon as the front door closed, she tried to pull away, but Judge tugged her back to him, murmuring something in her ear. Disappointment lit her face, but I was grateful he didn’t let her go. I have no doubt she would have thrown question after question at me. The rest of the evening was spent with my eyes glued to the TV and Jenny’s questioning gaze glued to me. I didn’t need to know Jenny that well to know it was killing her not being able to interrogate me. It was almost laughable. It would have been if I wasn’t the one who would have been questioned.

After we watched a couple of movies and had dinner, Judge forced Jenny from the couch and they retired to their bedroom. I don’t know why Judge kept Jenny stuck to his side, but no matter the reason, I owe him my gratitude.

My reprieve is obviously over though. It’s not that it bothers me to talk about what her and Judge interrupted on the porch. I’m just not sure what to say, because I’m unsure how I feel about the whole thing. My mind’s a fucked-up mess right now. I want JW—really freaking badly—but I also know it’s just not the right time. I have no doubt I’ll be weak if I’m alone with him for any amount of time.

I give Jenny a lopsided grin. “Can I at least make a cup of coffee first?”

She blows out a dramatic breath and nods grimly. “If you must. Then get your butt back out here. I’ve waited long enough.”

Shaking my head, I go into the kitchen straight to the coffee pot. I sigh when the smell hits my nose. Coffee, it’s my vice. One I’ll have until the day I die.

I carry my steaming mug back to the living room.

“Judge in his office?” I ask, casting my eyes toward the hallway. The office door is closed.

“Yep, and he said he’ll be in there for a while, so we’ve got plenty of time.” Her teeth flash as she taps the couch in front of her.

Tags: Alex Grayson Hell Night Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024