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Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2)

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I laugh, but soon lose my mirth when I notice genuine worry in her eyes. I put both my hands on her cheeks and make her look at me. “You look absolutely gorgeous.” I press a tender kiss to her lips. “And you may not have been here long, but in the short time you have been, many of those people out there consider you a friend. You don’t have anything to worry about, Gypsy.”

Her eyes move back and forth between mine, looking for the truth in my words. After a moment, she nods.

Kissing the tip of her nose, I unglue my hips from hers. “Come on. I’ve worked up a bit of an appetite. The sooner we eat, the sooner I can get you home.”

She laughs and lets me tug her out of the bathroom. We stop by the kitchen and grab the potato salad from the fridge. As we walk across the yard to the two picnic tables where almost everyone is sitting, I spot Judge off to the side, well away from listening distance, his phone to his ear. He’s facing the crowd, so I see the hard set to his jaw. When he spots me, he juts his chin up.

I stop Eden before we get to the table. “Save me a seat. I need to go talk to Judge for a minute.”


Judge is just hanging up as I make it to him.

“That was Dax. He’s got a situation in San Antonio. A father was found not guilty of raping and killing his fifteen-year-old son because the evidence they had was shitty. A video just came across his desk of the father committing both crimes. Double jeopardy law protects him. I figured you’d want in since you had to give up Richard.”

I seek out Eden and find her sitting at one of the picnic tables beside Jenny. She throws her head back and laughs at something Gabby, one of the kids, says. All of the children are at a smaller picnic table in between the two big ones. She leans back so she can talk to the little girl, and whatever she says has Gabby giggling and clapping her hands.

I turn back to Judge. “I want in.” I look straight into my brother’s eyes and say with force, “She stays with you and Jenny. You watch her. You guard her with your life.” He gives me a grim nod. “I mean it, Judge.”

The only reason I’m agreeing to go is because it’ll take me less than twenty-four hours to do what needs to be done, and I trust my brothers to keep Eden safe. It still pisses me off though that another night I had planned to spend with her is foiled.

“I hear you, brother.”

I’m mildly surprised he doesn’t give me shit on my obvious attachment to Eden, but push the thought away.

“Dax says it’s time sensitive. He feels the guy will haul ass, even though he can’t be charged twice.”

“I’ll leave tonight and be back by tomorrow afternoon. I’m going to make a stop to see Emiliano.”

Judge’s eyes narrow. “You sure that’s a good idea?”

“Emiliano isn’t stupid like his son. He knows how to choose his battles. I won’t be coming in hot, but I will damn sure let him know his son is walking on dangerous grounds. We may have never dealt with him directly, but he knows our names just as well as we know his. He knows he’s not the only one with people lining his pockets.”

Judge grunts and stuffs his hands into his pants pockets. “Just be careful. Emiliano may not be stupid, but he can be reckless.”

I tip my chin down. “I’m taking Emo with me. It’s a good excuse to get him away from the tapes for a few hours.”

“Good idea.”

After giving me the details, we head to where the others are. As much as I try to rein in the anxious feeling of what tonight will bring, I know I do a shit job from the questioning looks Eden keeps giving me. I don’t necessarily enjoy doing what Emo and I are setting out to do, but I can’t help but feel a thrill knowing we’ll rid the world of yet another piece of shit.

I grip Eden’s hand underneath the table. If I’m lucky, I’ll kill two birds with one stone and ensure Eden’s safety. However, even if Emiliano does manage to get his son to back off, Diego’s still very much living on borrowed time.


I STEP INSIDE THE DIMLY lit dining room and lean against the wall, watching the man with his back to me, going through papers scattered on the table. I noticed the suitcases and duffel bag in the living room when I walked through the front door a few minutes ago, proving Dax’s theory on the man taking off. Dax is a detective with the SAPD and one of the contacts my brothers and I use sometimes. Usually one to play by the book, Dax recognizes the fucked-up mess our judicial system is at times. When that happens, he calls us to take care of the problem.

The man, Alec Hallson, is oblivious of my presence, to the danger that awaits mere feet behind him. That is his second mistake. His first was leaving his door unlocked.

Stupid bastard. When you commit a crime such as the one he committed, you stay vigilant, no matter what. Even if you’re found not guilty by a jury. You never know if an enraged family member of the victim will come seeking revenge. Or maybe just a couple of men whose sole purpose in life is to eradicate the world of sick people like him.

He mutters a low curse and bends to scoop up the papers he knocked to the floor.

“Going somewhere, Mr. Hallson?” I ask casually, making my presence known.

He spins in place, scattering more papers on the floor. His eyes widen as he takes in my relaxed stance against the wall.

“Who in the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?” Despite the vehemence in his voice, he can’t hide the slight quiver.

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