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Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2)

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“He wanted to know where the chip was,” I answer quietly, dejectedly. Since I don’t have the stupid chip, Diego will eventually find me and…. Kill me, I guess. Or at least try. And in trying, he might hurt someone here in Malus. He’s already killed my dog, brutally so, hurt that Derek guy, and threatened to kill Jenny. I can’t let that happen. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I have to do something.

“Are you sure you don’t have the chip?” Judge asks, suspicion evident in his voice.

His question pisses me off, and I jump up from the bed, giving him my best glare.

“I’ve already said I don’t fucking have it,” I growl, my balled fists at my side shaking from anger.

“You say that, but we don’t know you. You just showed up in town with trouble trailing you, bringing danger to everyone who lives here. Why should we believe you?”

I almost huff out a laugh, because he’s right. No one here really knows me, and they’ve got no reason to take my word. But it still angers me that he would doubt me. I’ve been through hell by Diego’s hands. I witnessed him disembowel a woman, was beaten by him, threatened, then found my dog eviscerated. Why in the hell would I keep the chip after all that? Whatever’s on it is something Diego doesn’t want people to see, so it has to be bad. If I had it, I would have already handed it over to the police. Or at the very least, given it to JW to handle.

“I’ll only say this one more time,” I warn, my voice rising. “I don’t. Have. The fucking chip. If I did, I would have already handed it over. I don’t have a death wish.”

“If I find out you’re lying—”

“That’s enough, Judge,” Jenny says, getting up from the bed, angry on my behalf. “If she said she doesn’t have the chip, then she doesn’t have it.”

Judge’s eyes narrow on Jenny. “We can’t know that for sure.”

“I said—” She stalks up to Judge and pokes his chest with her pointer finger, “—that’s enough.”

A growl rumbles from his throat, but thankfully doesn’t question my word further. Instead, he asks a question I don’t want to answer, but know I have to.

“Did he say anything else?”

I look to Jenny and see her sweet and innocent face. Even angry, she still appears angelic. The thought of her being hurt, gutted like the woman I saw Diego slice open, sends a violent wave of both anger and fear running through me.

I turn my eyes back to Judge, my voice husky when I answer. “He said if I don’t get him the chip, he’ll kill Jenny.”

Jenny inhales sharply beside me. I don’t look at her but keep my eyes locked on Judge, hoping he sees the pain of what Diego’s threat did to me. Anger flares in his green eyes. It’s so hot it makes his eyes burn brighter. Thankfully, it’s not directed at me though.

“I’m calling JW.” His voice is tense, resolute. “This shit is being taken care of now.”

I nod and let out a deep breath. I want JW here too. For some bizarre reason, he makes me feel safe. He left yesterday, said he had some business he had to attend to, and is due back this afternoon. Ever since I watched him pull away from Remi and Trouble’s house yesterday, I’ve felt anxious, edgy. I blamed it on being sexually frustrated; that was the second time something I knew would be amazing sex was dangled in front of my face and it was snatched away. I know now that wasn’t it—I mean, yeah, I wanted the amazing sex—but it was JW being away, not near me, not in Malus to protect me if Diego made an appearance.

Judge already has his phone to his ear and walking out of the room. I sit back on the bed and Jenny comes to sit beside me. Her eyes are still wide, and guilt twists my stomach. I grab her hand and squeeze it tightly in mine.

“Don’t worry. They won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I’m not worried about myself,” she says, and I look at her. “I’m more worried about you. It’s you he really wants. The men will protect us both, but it has to be so scary for you, knowing someone like him is out there.”

I try to smile, to act brave, but I’m sure it comes out more a grimace than anything. “I am scared, but I refuse to let him have control over me.” I close my eyes for a moment and take a long breath before looking back at Jenny earnestly. “I swear I don’t have whatever he thinks I have.”

She nods once. “I know you don’t. I believe you. And Judge is just worried. He can be an asshole when he’s worried. He cares a lot about the people of Malus.”

I can understand that. From what I’ve seen so far, this small community is more like a family than a town. It must be nice to have so many people care about you and care about them in return.

“Thank you,” I clear my throat when it comes out hoarse. “Thank you for believing me.”

Now it’s her turn to squeeze my hand. We both look toward the bedroom door and wait.


I DROP EMO OFF AT HIS PLACE, glad to see Grace’s car parked in the driveway, knowing she’ll take care of him. My tires squeal as I hit the gas hard, pulling away from the curb too fast, but not caring. I’m the damn sheriff of Malus. It’s not like someone will pull me over.

I’m impatient to get to Judge and Jenny’s house. My jaw clamps shut and my blood simmers, coursing through my veins at a rapid speed.

I got a call from Judge just as we were leaving Emiliano’s house, telling me about Eden’s phone conversation with Diego. His threat came before Emiliano could issue his own warning to his son, so hopefully his call to Eden was for nothing and he’ll forget about his pursuit of her. Something tells me he won’t though. Something tells me he won’t stop until he either kills Eden or he’s stopped by my brothers and me.

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