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Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2)

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“Were they ever caught?”

His eyes narrow in anger. “A few were, but there are some still out there.”

The way his voice deepens at that revelation, the pure malevolence in his tone, sends shivers slithering down my spine. With good reason, he’s irate at the fact that some people got away and evaded the punishment they rightly deserved. To know they are out there somewhere, possibly hurting other children, brings on my own anger.

I curl my fingers around his neck and rub my thumb over the heavy pulse, hoping to soothe him. I’d like to think it’s that gesture that causes some of the darkness to leave his eyes, but I don’t know for sure.

“You were right. You and your brothers have turned out so much better than most people would. You’re kind, brave, and compassionate. You’ve gone beyond your duty to help me. And I’ve seen the way you, Judge, and Trouble interact with the townspeople. You all seem to genuinely care about them. Emo, I haven’t been around him long enough to form an opinion, but he seems to be quiet and guarded. Even so, I bet he still cares, he just doesn’t show it well.”

His brows pucker as he frowns, and I feel my hair being lifted again. I love that he likes playing with my hair.

“Emo’s had it harder than the rest of us. I won’t go into detail because it’s not my story to tell, but the rest of us at least got breaks in between Hell Nights. He didn’t. He lived in hell all the time.”

My heart breaks for the silent and withdrawn man. I’ve seen the fresh cuts and scars on his hands. They’re harder to see through the tattoos covering the skin, but his arms carry some too. It’s his hands that are mangled terribly though. It makes me wonder if the rest of his body is marked as well. I keep that curiosity to myself. As JW said, that’s not my business to know. So instead, I ask him something else.

“Why did you and your brothers choose to come back here?”

“We grew up here. It’s a big part of our past. A dark and painful one, but still a big part. We knew some of the good people stayed here. Mae and Dale always kept up with the few people who remained. We want

ed to give this town a new history, one that people didn’t cringe at. It’ll always have a stigma, but eventually it’ll fade to where it’s barely noticeable. We’re helping it along by making Malus a safe place for people who’ve been abused in some way. Almost everyone here has one thing in common; they all share horrifying experiences. But they also heal, flourish, and become strong here. They don’t have to be afraid. We’re more than just neighbors and friends, we’re a family.”

“That’s beautiful.” Tears prick my eyes at what JW and his brothers have created in Malus. “It’s amazing that you want to take the place that caused you so much pain and turn it into something good. Something that will help other people.”

His eyes slide away from mine, but I catch something in them before they do. Some emotion I can’t name, but it’s dark and grim and makes me curious about what just went through his head. When he looks back at me, it’s gone, and I wonder if it was just my imagination.

“Enough with the heavy talk,” he states and rolls to his back. I’m lifted and placed on top of him, my legs straddling his hips. With my braid wrapped around his fist, he tugs me down. “Now kiss me,” he rumbles sexily.

I do just that, because, well…. Who am I to deny him?


I WAKE TO THE ANNOYING as fuck sound of my phone ringing. I ignore it, something I usually don’t do, because I’m the sheriff and therefore always on call. The soft and warm body in front of me feels way too good to let go of though.

I tighten my arm around Eden’s waist and bury my face deeper into her hair, breathing in the sweet floral scent. We’re both naked and my quickly rising cock is nestled between her asscheeks. I never want to leave this bed or this position. If I stayed here a year, just like this, I’d be okay with that.

But my Goddamn phone keeps going off. I growl grumpily, ready to slug the person who has shitty timing. Don’t they know I’m in bliss right now and should be left alone?

Eden moans sleepily, her ass rubbing against me, causing me to harden further. “You should probably answer that,” she says through a yawn.

With a grunt, I roll to my back and snatch the phone up from the nightstand. It stops ringing as soon as my hand touches it. I check the missed calls. Emo. Three of them. I must have not heard the first call.

I’m just about to hit his name to call him back, when it starts ringing again.

“This had better be really fuckin’ important,” I snarl.

“I need you to come over,” Emo states, his voice impassive.

“Why? This couldn’t wait until later?”

“No. It’s something you’ll want to see.”

I sit up in bed and swing my feet to the floor. “What is it?”

“Just get here and I’ll show you,” he answers evasively.

“Fine,” I sigh. “Give me thirty.”

I feel Eden moving behind me as I toss the phone on the nightstand. A moment later, her naked tits are plastered to my back, her arms go around my torso, and her hands flatten on my pecs. Her sweet lips press against the center of my back.

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