Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2) - Page 100

Thea is beautiful in a light blue dress with white bows around her waist. Her hair is done up in some fancy do and she looks happy. She still has a long way to go to mentally heal from her life with our parents, but she’s different from the quiet frightened girl when I first brought her here months ago. Despite the first eleven years of her life being anything but easy, she’s smart, caring, and very much loved by everyone in Malus.

My eyes move past her to Remi. I hear Trouble blow out a breath beside me. She has on the same dress as Thea’s, except hers show off her womanly curves. Trouble’s a lucky bastard to have her.

Millie is next in a matching gown, looking just as stunning as Remi and Thea.

My damn breath catches when I spot Eden step into the doorway, accompanied by her dad. The woman makes my heart pound heavily in my chest with her beauty. There are several things about this day I’ve been waiting on for months. Seeing her in her wedding dress, giving her my last name, cutting the cake and shoving it in each other’s faces, our first dance, the wedding night.

Nothing could have prepared me for the feelings currently slamming into me as I watch her take the first step toward me. Her sleeveless dress is white and hugs her chest, while the waist down flows out in soft waves against her legs. I can’t see how her hair is from the back, but it’s up with a few loose pieces around her face.

Some days I still can’t believe she picked me to spend the rest of her life with. I’m the luckiest bastard in the world.

Our eyes don’t leave the other’s as Charles leads his daughter down the aisle. My chest swells with pride as she gives me a small smile. When they’re standing in front of me, Charles hands me Eden’s hand with his shaky one. I couldn’t tell you how the man feels in this moment because I only have eyes for the woman in front of me.

I frown when I notice the paleness on her face.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” she whispers. “I got sick on the way here.”

My frown deepens. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

Her smile is gorgeous as she gazes at me with the same love I feel for her. Her next words just about knock me on my ass.

“Morning sickness,” she giggles. “Well, more like afternoon sickness.” She leans toward me, lowering her voice even more. “I’m pregnant.”

I stand there stunned for a moment, probably looking like a complete idiot, before her words register.

“You’re pregnant?” I ask, wanting to make sure I heard her right.


I’m doing it ass backwards, but I’m fresh out of fucks to give. I wrap my arms around her waist, lean down, and press my lips to hers. She opens willingly, like she needs the intimate touch just as much as I do.

A throat clearing has us pulling apart way too soon.

“Shall we begin?” Pastor Phillips asks, amusement lacing his tone.

I lean down for one more quick kiss and when I pull back, Eden’s eyes are sparkling with euphoria.

I turn to the Pastor. “Yes, but make it quick, please.”

Eden’s giggles can be heard all over the room.

AS I LOOK DOWN INTO A SET of beautiful blue eyes, I understand why it’s so easy for Eden to change her favorite color depending on her mood and surroundings. My favorite color just changed to baby blue.

It’s still strange to think I have a little sister, but I love the feeling it gives me. It brings out the protective side in me. Thea has quickly been added to my list of people I would die for. And I know my brothers feel the same way. She’s not only my little sister, but theirs as well.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” I ask Thea as we gently sway to the music.

She tips her head back, and although she smiles at me, I still see pain lurking behind her eyes. The look is always there.

“Yes. Eden looked so pretty today.”

“That she did. So did you.”


I twirl us around, and I’m happy to hear the laugh escape her lips. This girl has been through hell and back. I love knowing I can bring some light into her life.

I stop us after a couple of spins and look down at her, my expression sobering. “I know all these changes are hard on you, Thea. I know the pain Mom and Trey put you through, because I’ve felt that pain too. It’s hard to believe now, but it gets easier. Especially because of all the people here who care for you. You aren’t alone anymore. You’ll never be alone again.”

Tags: Alex Grayson Hell Night Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024