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Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2)

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The Past


ar mom ask as I slowly walk down the stairs. My whole body hurts and I’m stiff from the brutal way I was treated tonight. My hair’s wet and dripping on my shirt from my recent shower, but I still feel dirty. I always feel dirty, no matter how much I wash away their disgusting scent.

When I round the corner to the living room, I come to a stop. It’s four in the morning, but it’s Hell Night, so it’s not unusual for my parents to still be up. Dad’s at the window, staring out into the dark night. Mom’s standing a few feet behind him, dressed in her night clothes, her hand clutching her neck and her face pinched in concern.

Dad looks away from the window, darting his eyes first to me then to my mom. “I don’t know, dear, but whatever it is, it isn’t good.”

I know exactly what’s going on, and my nerves jump with excited anticipation. Mae and Dale warned us only yesterday what was going to happen, but it feels like I’ve been waiting years. I guess in a way, I have been. Fourteen years to be exact. Since the day I was born.

Just then, a loud yell comes from outside. Dad turns back to the window, and I rush over to the other one. Across the street, there’s a man on his stomach, struggling with another man on top of him. They’re under the streetlight, so we’ve got a good view of them. The man on top digs his knee into the one beneath him then pulls a pair of handcuffs from his side and cuffs the guy. Another man approaches them, and when he steps into the light, I see the gun he’s holding.

It’s started and it’s about damn time.

I back away from the window and turn to leave the living room. I need to find the others so we can meet Mae and Dale at The Hill.

“Kayn, go up to your room,” dad calls from behind me.

I turn back toward him and lift my chin. “No.”

His brows lift. “Excuse me?”

“I’m leaving,” I tell him and turn back to the doorway. I just pass through before I’m yanked back around.

“You’re not going anywhere, son. It’s not safe out there. Now do as I told you and go to your room.”

I jerk my arm from his hold. I can’t stand for him to touch me. It may not be safe for him and mom, but even if the authorities find me, I wouldn’t be in trouble like they will be.

“I’m leaving,” I state again, my voice firm.

“And where are you going?” mom asks, coming to stand beside dad. “It’s four in the morning.”

“To find my brothers.”

Dad barks out a laugh. “Like hell you are. You’re aren’t leaving this house until we figure out what’s going on.”

There’s a gun shot outside and mom yelps in surprise. Her eyes shooting back to the window as she edges closer to dad.

I take a step back and smirk at them both. “I know exactly what’s going on.”

Dad’s hand darts out and snags me around my wrist again. “What do you know?”

When I try to pull away, his fingers tighten. I’ve grown a lot over the last year, but my dad is still bigger and stronger than me. Even so, my anger and determination are much more than his. Because of that and the pain still coursing through my body from Hell Night, when I rear back and clock him on his chin, he lets go and falls over the coffee table. I’ve never really hit anyone before, so I’m surprised at the pain in my hand. I shake it out and glower at dad and mom, who has rushed to her husband’s side.

“What in the world is wrong with you, Kayn?” Mom demands.

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