Endless Obsession - Page 124

“Beautiful,” he breathes, taking my lips again in a scorching kiss.

His hands move to my waist, bringing me tighter against him.

“Please tell me this is okay,” he groans, moving his lips down my neck.

“God, yes. Please just touch me. It’s been too long.”

I tip my head back, giving him better access. He reaches where my neck meets my shoulder and sucks greedily at the flesh. Goosebumps appear on my arms and legs, and I shiver. My fingers dig into his shoulders at the intense pleasure of having him marking me again. I miss seeing the proof I belong to him.

“Asher,” I whimper and grind down further, trying to relieve the ache I’ve felt since I found him in my room.

“Hmm…I’ve got you, baby.”

He releases the hold he has on my neck and leans back. His hands move to the thin silk strap holding my robe closed. Torturously slow, he pulls until the knot comes undone. The robe opens slightly. His eyes deepen to a darker green when he sees the swell of my breasts. His intense expression has my need escalating. He parts the material and groans deep in his throat as he palms my breasts, flicking the nipple with his thumbs, before he lifts me from his lap, bringing my breasts to his face. With the tip of his tongue, he skims it gently over my nipple, then sucks it into his mouth. My head falls back, the pleasure of his hot mouth on me too much too bear.

He sets me back down on his lap and peels the robe down my arms, letting it fall to the floor at his feet. Warm hands run up and down my back, then one goes to the back of my head, fisting my hair and tugging it. I’m pulled forward until my breasts meets his hard chest, the coarse hairs only adding to the sensations. His lips go to my neck again and all I can do is sit there and enjoy everything he’s doing to me.

“I’ve missed this so much,” he says against my neck. “Touching you. Feeling your skin against mine. Smelling your intoxicating scent.” He pulls back to look at me. “Looking into your beautiful eyes. I’ve been going fucking crazy without you, Poppy. Please don’t ever make me go through that again.”

My breath catches in my throat at his look. He looks like he’s in pain. Like the memory of being away from me is something he can’t physically handle. I know the feeling. I hated every second of being away from him. It wasn’t until he came to my window a few days ago that I breathed properly again. When he left, he took my ability to draw air in with him.

I shake my head and tell him truthfully, “I won’t. You’re never getting rid of me now.”

The smile he gives me is the most stunning thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen him smile before, especially in Texas, but this one… this one is different. It’s completely unrestrained and takes over his face.

He lifts me by the hips and twists. I’m flat on my back with him hovering over me, his arms framing us in our own little world, just the way I like it. It’s where I always want him, for the rest of our lives. This man is it for me. There will never be anyone other than him. Even if he were to die tomorrow…

I close my eyes at the reminder I could have lost him, without ever knowing this wonderful feeling that only he can give me.

“Hey,” he says, smoothing his thumbs along my cheeks. “What are you thinking?”

I open my eyes and gaze up at him. My love for this man is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. It’s strong and sure, and I know it will never fade. It’ll only get stronger every day. I have no idea how my heart will be able to hold it all, but it will.

“Nothing,” I tell him softly as I pull him down to me.

I run my hands down his back to his ass, then back up again. His hand meets my breast and tweaks the nipple before going slowly down my body. When his fingers meet my heat, he twirls his fingers around the wetness, gathering some up to take up to my clit. Applying pressure, my hips buck off the bed. I cry out with pleasure and my eyes roll into the back of my head. He slips one finger inside and pumps it a few times before adding a second, then a third.

I don’t know when he took his briefs off, but seconds later I feel the blunt tip of his erection at my entrance. I hold my breath in anticipation as he slowly enters me. I want him to plunge forward, but looking at his tense face, I know he’s going slow for a reason. He’s on the edge. As much as I want him to lose that control, I also want this to last.

He closes his eyes as he sinks all the way in. Once he’s fully seated, his eyes open to meet mine.

“Never, Beautiful.” He leans down for a brief kiss. “Never have I felt something as good as this.”

“Not even when you first took me?” I ask.

He pulls his hips back and pushes forward again.

“No,” he grounds out, his control clearly waning. “Each time I take you is better than the last. It’ll always be that way between us.”

Tears gather in my eyes at his words. He speaks the truth. It will only get better with us.

His movements speed up. His jaw gets tight and the muscles in his arms strain as he starts powering into me. He angles his hips and hits a spot that has me seeing stars burst behind my closed lids. My mouth drops open on a silent cry and my body stiffens as pleasure like I’ve never felt before rushes out of me.

I open my eyes just as I hear Asher grunt, his neck straining and his face awash in intense pleasure. Sweat trickles down his cheek and falls on my breasts. His chest pumps up and down as he looks down at me. Something fierce passes over his face, right before he dips his head and lazily kisses me. Our tongues meet in the middle and languidly play with the other.

“I love you, Beautiful,” he says after pulling back.

He’s looking at me with such intensity that there’s no way I couldn’t believe him.

Tags: Alex Grayson Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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