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The Sinister Silhouette

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“I’m heading out. Thanks for letting me use the gym.”

“Anytime. That’s why you’ve got keys.”

I turn to leave, but him calling my name has me turning back.

“Get some sleep, Luca. You look like shit.”

“Fuck you, Abe,” I throw over my shoulder, then shoot him a bird the same way.

His deep laugh follows me all the way out the door.



I LAST FOR A WEEK AND a half. Ten days I went without seeing Jules, because it wasn’t my right to want to. Ten fucking days that nearly drove me insane. Nine nights lying in bed, wishing for her to come to me in my dreams, although it made me a bastard of the worst kind to want that, but selfishly not caring. If I couldn’t see her in person, I at least wanted some form of her, even if she did always look scared or in pain and begged me for something I still didn’t understand.

Ten days I went to work and tried to keep my mind off her. Ten days I left work and had to force myself to turn right down Tenth Street toward home instead of left toward the hospital. Only two of the nine nights she visited my dreams, but the ones she didn’t, I still woke up feeling drained and exhausted. I slept restlessly and couldn’t help but feel disappointed for the rest of the day, which put me in a piss-poor mood. People noticed, especially Ella.

“What in the fuck is your problem?” she yelled at me on the eighth day, after stepping in my office and slamming the door closed.

“Leave me alone, Ella,” I rumbled, as I stood behind my desk and pushed shit around looking for a specific drawing pen.

She put her hands on the hardwood surface and leaned over it, her voice dropping, but no less abrasive. “You’ve been a dick for days, Luca. Either fix what’s bothering you or stay in your fucking office and let Jazz and me take your clients. I’m tired of seeing people walk on eggshells around you.”

I stand to my full height and glower at her. “I said, leave me alone.”

Baring her teeth, she gritted out, “Too fucking bad. You’re my brother and I work for you, so when something bothers you, it bothers me. Either get over it or tell me what in the hell is going on.”

Before I was given a chance to reply, she stormed from the room, the door banging against the wall behind her. She was right. I was being an asshole, and that shit needed to stop.

I tried to push away the need to see Jules, but nothing fucking worked.

So, now, two days later, I’m walking down the hall to her room, not caring anymore if I should be here or not. The way I see it, Theo doesn’t visit as often as he should, something that still pisses me off, and a person shouldn’t be alone all the time, even if they don’t realize they are. It also piques my anger that Theo still hasn’t told anyone about Jules, something I plan to confront him about soon.

When I enter her room, the scent of wildflowers soothes something deep inside me. The desolate feeling that’s been plaguing me instantly vanishes. My muscles relax for the first time in days. As fucked up as it sounds, I feel like this is where I belong.

I walk to the bed, take a seat, and just stare at the woman who’s been haunting my dreams for years and consuming my thoughts for weeks. She’s beautiful, just as she always is. Her hair is once again braided and lying on the pillow beside her head. She’s on her back, but her head is tilted sideways, so I’ve got a good look at her gorgeous face. I reach up and finger the end of her braid.

“Theo told me about you.” I talk softly. I no longer worry about being kicked out if I’m caught. Theo’s my brother, and I shouldn’t be here, but he damn well will give permission if he’s not willing to be here himself.

“I have no right to be here, but I feel like I should.” I pull in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. Most people would feel strange talking to someone who probably can’t hear them, but I don’t with Jules. It feels right to talk to her. “Theo’s an asshole for leaving you here alone all the time. I doubt you can hear me, but if somehow you can, I apologize on his behalf.”

I release her hair and lean back in my seat, lacing my fingers over my stomach. My legs stretch out in front of me, my knees falling to the sides, getting comfortable. I’m tired and hungry, but getting up and walking away isn’t an option at the moment. I drop my chin to my chest, deciding to close my eyes for a few minutes.

MY EYES FLICKER OPEN when I hear a thump. The first thing I see are my hands still laced together over my stomach. When I lift my head, a dull pain resonates in my neck from staying in the same position for so long. Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back and twist it from side to side, loosening the muscles.

When I scoot my ass back in the seat, I notice the nurse call remote has fallen to the floor. I pick it up, then stand to wind it around one of the rails to keep it from slipping off again.

My body locks in place and my jaw damn near falls to the floor when I look at Jules. She’s lying there with her eyes wide fucking open looking at the ceiling. The first thing I notice is the brilliant color of her eyes. Just like in my dreams, they’re a bright golden amber. She blinks slowly a couple times. She must not see me, because she keeps looking at the ceiling like it’s the most fascinating thing she’s ever seen.

I hold still, not wanting to startle her, but also desperately wanting her eyes directed at me.

Swallowing to wet my suddenly dry throat, I murmur softly, “Jules.”

Her lips part. She blinks a couple more times before her head slowly turns in my direction. The minute her eyes lock on mine, a rush of air leaves my lungs. Fuck, but they are striking.

I don’t get a chance to enjoy her eyes being on me before they fill with fear. I frown, confused at the stark terror forming on her face. I reach out a hand to her to try to quell the fear but drop it when her lips tremble. Her hands clutch the sides of her head as her mouth opens and she lets out a god-awful scream. I stumble back a step and knock into the chair, stunned at her hysterical behavior. She starts thrashing on the bed, her legs kicking the blanket off her as she presses herself as close to the railing as she can to get away from me. The whole time, her wide eyes stay connected with my astonished ones, like she’s accusing me of something.

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