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The Sinister Silhouette

Page 34

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“Yes. How did you know?”

Her hands loosen on the covers, not completely, but her knuckles are no longer white from the death grip she had before. I’m pleased to note the tenseness in her body has also decreased.

“I didn’t know for sure until you just told me. I felt something while I was sleeping. A… presence.”

“It could have been Theo,” I suggest.

She shakes her head. “No, it’s not him. He only visits during the day. And his presence is… different than yours. Since I woke up, I’ve been… scared, but…” She trails off for several seconds before admitting quietly, “the last few nights I haven’t.”

Her admission shocks me, because I’m the last person she should feel safe around. It’s obvious Theo hasn’t told her about my role in her life, and I wonder why. She may still be wary of me right now, but if she knew the truth, she’d be screaming her head off. That’s something I can’t handle right now, so I’m grateful she doesn’t know.

Curiously, I ask, “Theo doesn’t make you feel safe?”

She doesn’t answer right away. She looks beyond me, her brows puckering as she frowns. “It’s not that he makes me feel… unsafe,” she starts quietly. “It’s just….” Her eyes come back to mine and she shrugs. “I don’t know the word to use for what he makes me feel. Weird, maybe?”

Now it’s my turn to frown. She watches me guardedly as I take a step forward. “Weird how?”

She chews on her bottom lip before releasing it. “I’m not really sure. Uncomfortable somehow.”

I have no business asking, but my protective instincts are screaming at me, so I do anyway. “Has he done something to you?”

Unfortunately, my tone comes out harder that I intended, and she stiffens. I mutter a curse under my breath, luckily low enough for her not to hear.

She relaxes again after several tense seconds.

“No,” she replies. “He’s been very nice to me.”

My hands uncurl from the fists I didn’t realize they’d made, and the pounding in my ears slows. I should know better than to think Theo would do something to hurt Jules. Not only is she his wife, and they were obviously in love at one time, but he’s also the most laid-back of him, Ella, and me. He’s tough only when he needs to be, and even then, he avoids altercations and confrontations at all costs.

This situation with Jules is seriously fucking with my head.

She yawns, and it reminds me of how late it is.

“I’m going to go.” Instead of moving back toward the door, my feet move forward, inching closer to her. “You should rest.”

She tucks part of the cover beneath her cheek and her amber eyes focus more intently on me.

“Will you be back tomorrow night?”

I want to so fucking bad. “No,” I answer instead.

Her lips purse. “Why not?”

“Because I don’t belong here.”

Another frown. “Why not?” she repeats.

This time, I do take a step back, and a pointed pain stabs me square in the chest.

“There are things you don’t know. If you did, you wouldn’t want me here.”

“I don’t understand.” Confusion pulls down her brows. “What things?”

Another step back. Another step away from her.

“I can’t tell you. It’s not my place.” And I’m fucking terrified of her knowing.

I take two more steps back before her voice stops me.

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