The Sinister Silhouette - Page 52

When Luca was brought into the conversation, I couldn’t help the warm feeling that hit my chest. I listened avidly as she told me she worked with him in his shop, the one he bought from his dad years ago. I wanted to ask so many questions, but I refrained. It wasn’t my business to know more about Luca than she already gave on her own.

“How are things working out between you and Theo?”

Her question brings me back to the room. I continue chopping tomatoes as I answer with a shrug. “They’re okay. He’s been patient with me. It’s still weird to think I’m married. The last I knew, I had just graduated high school.”

I dump the tomato in the bowl and start on the cucumber.

“I can’t imagine waking up to find my life has totally changed.”

“It’s scary,” I admit.

“And your parents still aren’t talking to you?”

My hand tightens on the knife as pain tears through me. “No,” I answer softly.

Several seconds pass before Ella’s hard voice says, “I’m sorry, Jules. I know you love them, but they’re assholes for ignoring you.”

I nod, because she’s right. My feelings toward my parents alternate between anger and heartache. There’s no way I

could ever abandon my child.

I glance to the doorway when I hear the front door open and close. A moment later, Theo appears in the kitchen.

“Hey.” I turn from the counter. “You’re home early.”

“I was in the neighborhood, dropping off a car, and decided to stop by and grab something for lunch.” He looks at Ella. “Hey.”

“‘Sup, brother,” she greets.

Theo moves toward me, and I tense. No matter how hard I work at it, he always makes me nervous when he’s near.

“You wanna put that away?” he says, jerking his chin to my hand. I look down and only then realize I’m still holding the knife.

“Sorry,” I mumble and place it on the counter. “Do you want me to make you a sandwich?”

He steps closer, putting him only inches away from me, and my eyes fly to Ella. She’s not paying us any mind as she looks down at her phone.

I hold my breath as his head lowers to mine. He presses his lips against mine. They feel cold and dry. When his hand lands on the side of my ribs, just below my breast, I barely hold back the need to shove him away from me.

Thankfully, the contact is only brief. He pulls back, and something flashes in his eyes. Anger? Annoyance? Displeasure? Whatever the look is, it leaves me trembling, and not in the good way.

“I’ll get something on the way back to work,” he says, stepping back from me.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I’ll see you later tonight.”

“Okay. See you tonight.”

I turn back to the counter and start working on my salad again.

“Later, sis,” he says after a moment.


When I hear his boots moving across the floor, I turn with my salad and go to the table. Ella’s watching Theo as he walks away, her expression one of confusion. When she turns back at me, the look is gone, but I still see something lingering in her eyes.


Tags: Alex Grayson Dark
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024