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The Sinister Silhouette

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Theo’s my brother, my twin, my fucking family. I’ve always been fiercely loyal to and protective of my family. Jules is part of that family now. She’s more than just Theo’s wife. I don’t know what s

he is exactly, but she’s just fucking more.

I vow to myself, standing in his living room while waiting on Jules, that there will be hell to pay, and Theo will the one cashing in his ticket.

JULES IS QUIET ON the way to my place, which isn’t really surprising since I only live a few miles away. Her silence speaks volumes though. It shows her trepidation over the situation she’s about to be in, living with me, her fear of the one she just left, and her unease about leaving Aria behind. The first one I don’t blame her for, given past circumstances. The second one I’m trying to push to the back of my mind for the moment, so I don’t go off the wall and rearrange Theo’s fucking face. The third has my chest expanding, but again doesn’t surprise me. Aria is an easy girl to love. She wraps every person she meets around her tiny fingers, and Jules, it seems, is not immune to her sweet and innocent charms, even willing to go so far as to stay in a hazardous situation.

I pull into the driveway, then reach back and grab her small bag before opening my door. I’m halfway around the truck when Jules climbs out. I watch her closely and notice her rubbing her lips together, giving away her nervousness.

It enrages me that’s she’s here for the reason she is, but I can’t help the adrenaline rushing through me at having her in my home, so close to me. My obsession with her hasn’t waned in the slightest, and the thought of having her so close on a daily basis really fucks with my head and body.

I lead her inside and drop her bag on the couch before turning to her. She’s stopped in the middle of the living room, her arms tightly folded across her chest, looking around. I don’t have a lot, but I’ve worked my ass off for what I do have. It’s no doubt a lot less than what she had growing up.

When she turns to face me, her eyes carry a bleak look.

“Thank you,” she says quietly.

I walk to her slowly until I’m only a couple of feet away. Her head is forced back as she looks up at me.

“Don’t thank me, Jules. That shit should have never happened, and I’m sorry my asshole brother thought he had a right to do what he did.”

She nods and bows her head, her thick hair falling over her shoulders, hiding her face. I reach out and gently grip her chin to bring her head back up.

“You’ll be safe here with me,” I let her know. She needs to understand that just because I flipped my shit years ago, doesn’t mean it will happen again. I’d sooner rip off my arms than do anything to harm her. “I swear, Jules. You have nothing to fear from me.”

Her small smile is watery, and it rips a hole in my heart, but when she whispers, “I know,” and looks like she really believes it, it mends back solid.

Fuck if this woman doesn’t wreak havoc on my emotions.

“Would you like something to eat or drink?”

She shakes her head. “No, thank you.”

She looks tired and her whole body sags, like a thousand-ton weight rests on her shoulders. My anger toward Theo strengthens.

I grab her bag off the couch and gesture toward the hallway. “You’ll be in the room I keep for Aria when she’s over. You look exhausted. Why don’t you rest for a while?”

She nods, then follows me down the hallway to the small room that has a twin bed covered in a bright purple bedspread. I drop her bag on the end and turn around. Jules is at the side of the bed, gently running her fingers along the blanket, a soft smile playing on her lips, making her look even more beautiful.

“This is the second bed I’ve slept in that belongs to Aria.”

I don’t know why that knowledge pleases me, but it does. I assumed she slept in Theo’s bed from the beginning. Anytime that thought crossed my mind over the last few weeks, barely restrained anger coursed through my body.

“She won’t mind,” I inform her.

“I know. She’s such a sweet girl.”

I walk over, then before I can think better of it, I bend and place a kiss on the top of her head. She stiffens slightly, but doesn’t try to pull away.

Stepping back, I look down at her.

“Get some sleep. I’m gonna go make a phone call to my parents.”

She nods, but then bites her lip in worry. “Do you… do you think they’ll hate me?”

I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, needing to touch her, even if just briefly.

“I don’t plan to tell them the details yet. I just want to warn them in case Theo stops by. And no, they won’t hate you. They’ll be shocked and angry and hurt on your behalf, but they won’t hate you.”

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