The Sinister Silhouette - Page 78

I cut him off. “I’ve got this one. You take my appointment.”

I look over at Dale and let him see I’m not budging. I’ve never used my status as the boss’s son, but in this instance I sure as fuck will. His eyes leave mine just long enough to look at Jules before coming back to mine. Understanding dawns, and one corner of his mouth quirks up.

“You got it.”

When I turn back to the girls, I see Jules quickly drop her eyes from mine. As she looks down at a sketchbook on the counter, her face once again flushes a pretty red.

As I take Nicole’s ID and have her complete a consent form, one thought keeps entering my mind.

This girl will be mine, no matter what the fuck I have to do.

I WAKE TO THE SMELL of bacon and coffee. My stomach rumbles, reminding me I never ate last night. Theo showed up right as the food was done, and my stomach was in too many knots after he left.

I get out of bed, slip on a shirt, and go to the bathroom. After, with my feet still bare, I go out to the living room. Over the bar, I spot Jules standing in front of the stove. I walk to the bar and lean against it, deciding to just watch her for a few minutes.

As I stand there, I remember my dream from last night. No, it was more than a dream, it was a memory. I still don’t remember her or those six weeks that I lost, but I have no doubt in my mind that what happened in my dream was real. I may not remember her, but I know the feeling I had in that dream. It’s one I’ve had since the first time I saw her in the hospital. I just wish I knew what happened afterward. That must have been right before she and Theo started dating, or she would have recognized me. Especially since he and I looked more alike back then, with us wearing our hair the same way. Was that when my fixation on her started or did something else happen to trigger it? Either way, it’s apparent I was attracted to her and wanted her from that moment on, but I still struggle to believe I would be manic enough to attack then rape her when I found out they got married. That shit is just too fucking much for my brain to comprehend. Or maybe it’s just because I don’t want to believe it.

Sensing my presence, she looks over her shoulder. Turning partially toward me, a pair of tongs in her hand, she offers a hesitant smile. Hating her uncertainty, I smile back at her.

“Good morning,” she greets.

“Morning.” I lean my elbows on the bar. “Did you sleep well?”

She nods then turns back to the stove to flip the bacon over before facing me again. “I slept better than I have in a long time.”

Something dark hits my stomach. I have no doubt the stress of living with someone she doesn’t remember is hard enough to handle. I’m sure adding in the fact that he obliterated an already precarious trust by attacking her makes it damn near unbearable.

I want to smash my fist into Theo’s face again at the thought. I didn’t do near enough damage like I wanted.

Jules clearing her throat brings me back to the moment.

“How did your conversation go with your parents yesterday?”

Walking to the coffeepot, I pour myself a cup and take a seat on one of the stools before answering.

“They know something’s up, but aren’t pushing the issue after I told them I couldn’t explain yet.”

She turns away, but I see her worriedly biting her bottom lip. She opens a cabinet, looks inside, not finding what she’s looking for, and closes it again.

“Second cabinet to the right of the stove,” I tell her.

Looking at me gratefully, she moves to the correct cabinet and pulls down two plates. After placing several pieces of bacon, two scoops of eggs, and two pieces of toast on it, she sets the plate down in front of me. Grabbing the butter and jelly from the fridge, she deposits them next to my plate.

“I wasn’t sure how you liked your toast, so I left them dry.”

“Thank you.”

Instead of eating, I watch as she makes her own plate. Her hair is braided over one shoulder, and it reminds me of the times I saw her when she was still in a coma. I try not to let my eyes wander, but th

ey do so of their own accord. She has on a pair of mint-green cotton pants and a black V-neck T-shirt. My stupid fucking eyes notice the tiny bit of cleavage the V shows. I glance down at my coffee and silently reprimand myself.

Once she’s done, she carries her plate, along with her coffee, to the stool next to mine and we eat in companionable silence. It feels nice to do something so simple as share a meal with her.

I set my fork down and finish off the rest of my coffee.

“I have to go in to work in a couple of hours.” I notice her shoulders stiffen. “I’d like for you to go with me.”

When she lifts her head, the relief is apparent on her face. “I’d like that.”

Tags: Alex Grayson Dark
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024