The Sinister Silhouette - Page 88

“Nothing will happen. He’s smart enough to know not to pull any shit while everyone is there.”

Something akin to pride fills my chest when I see her straighten her spine and her expression turns from leery to determined. She shouldn’t have to worry about Theo, but it fucking pleases the shit out of me that she’s strong enough to take on the task.

“I’ll be fine,” she says, her voice firm.

She may feel that way, but I still want her to know I’ll protect her if necessary.

I lace my fingers with hers and squeeze them. “You won’t be left alone with him.”


When she licks her lips, my eyes zone in on the wet sheen left behind. I rest our interlaced hands on her lap and lean forward, my other hand going to the back of her stool. Her eyes close as my head dips toward hers. As soon as my lips make contact, she lets out a little sigh. That small sound goes straight to my cock.

Without breaking our kiss, I stand and close the gap between us. My abs bump her knees. I don’t expect her to open them for me, but when she does, I step between them. Our position reminds me of the day in the shop, of what I desperately wanted to do to her, and how fucking hard it was to pull away.

I palm her cheek, my fingers sliding through her hair to cup the back of her head. I move our fingers to her lower back and her free hand presses against my side. A tortured groan escapes me.

Using both of our hands at her back, I pull her toward me until her ass is on the edge of the seat. The heat from her center sears me to the fucking core. Our tongues mesh together, and I can’t get enough of her taste. When her hand makes its way underneath my shirt, I about jump out of my goddamn skin. Unable to hold back the need, I grind my cock against her, nearly fucking exploding in my sweats from the pleasure. When she moans prettily against my mouth and her nails scrape across my flesh, I know I’m in big trouble.

I rip my mouth away from hers before this goes too damn far. My hair falls forward as I hang my head and take in several deep breaths, trying like fuck to get my bearings back.

“Luca,” she whispers. Her hands move to my hair, pushing the strands back. I close my eyes for a moment and relish her fingers playing with my hair and my name coming off her lips in such a soft way.

When I open them again, she’s watching me, her cheeks flushed, her lips swollen from my kisses. I rest my forehead against hers.

“You’re too goddamn beautiful and sweet,” I inform her huskily.

Her brows wrinkle and she nibbles on her bottom lip before muttering, “Umm… I’m sorry?”

A chuckle rumbles from my chest at her baffled response, but then it fades. “It’s me that should be sorry, baby. Not you.”

“But why?” she asks, her frown deepening.

I lift my forehead from hers but keep my face close as my thumb rubs along her cheek. “Because I shouldn’t be doing this with you. I should keep my hands to myself.” My jaw tightens. “All those years ago, I hurt you. I did”—I’m a damn pussy because I can’t force myself to say it—“those things to you. I’m a fucking bastard for touching you now.”

“Luca, no.” Her eyes, so heartbreakingly sad, turn pleading. “If it makes you a bastard for wanting me, what does it make me for wanting you just as much?” Her head drops a couple of inches and her eyes move to my chin. I lift her head back up with my thumb and open my mouth to talk, but she beats me to it. “I know it may be wrong of us to want… whatever it is that’s happening between us. I know I should be afraid of you, should want nothing to do with you, but I’m not, and I do. You make me feel safe in a world I don’t know anymore. If it’s wrong, I don’t care. I’d rather it be wrong with you than right with anyone else.”

Tears glisten in her eyes, and I can’t take that damn look from her. That look and her words completely fucking destroy me. My heart that’s been fractured down the middle since all of this started, one half hers, the other half mine, starts weaving its way back together.

I squeeze my eyes shut and let my forehead fall back to hers. “I’ve tried so fucking hard to stay away from you, to keep my hands to myself and my feelings in check, but you make it impossible, Jules.”

“Then don’t.”

I open my eyes to see her beautiful golden ones staring at me, asking for things I want to give her so damn badly.

As I gaze back at her, I know one thing for absolute certain. When it comes to this woman, I’m completely and truly fucked.



A COUPLE OF DAYS later, it’s Thanksgiving and we’re all at Luca’s parents’ house. I’ve ignored Theo as much as I can without coming across as rude to the rest of the family. I’d mentally prepared myself to see him again, but it hasn’t been easy avoiding his presence. Not when I constantly feel the pure malice radiating off him or the disturbing heat of his desire. It makes me sick to my stomach.

I wish I could just pretend he isn’t here, but I refuse to be impolite in front of the rest of the family that I’m learning to care for. I’ve only had a couple of opportunities to be around Helen and Wyatt, but from the beginning they’ve accepted and welcomed me into their family without question. And Ella, she’s become a friend. Vicki is still an unknown, as I’ve only seen her a couple of times and she’s always quiet. Her eyes were watchful as we were introduced, her arm possessively wrapped around Ella’s waist. I know her wariness stems from her love of Ella and her family, but I hope over time she’ll come to like me.

Aria. My heart expands every time I think of the sweet little girl. She reminds me so much of my baby sister. I ache with the misery of not having Teresa in my life, b

ut Aria makes that ache not so pronounced. She’s only been in my life a short period of time, and I’ve only barely gotten to know her, but I’ve already started to love her as if she were my own. I’ve missed her so much over the last few days.

Tags: Alex Grayson Dark
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024