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The Sinister Silhouette

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And Luca. My eyes sweep across the yard to find him standing with his dad. He has his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes are on me as his dad talks to him. I never would have thought it was possible for me to care for someone who has caused me so much pain in the past. I’m glad I don’t remember what happened all those years ago. On one hand, I’m terrified that if I do remember, it’ll spoil what I feel for Luca. On the other, I wonder if it would even make a difference. I don’t want to take the chance.

Luca has either stayed by my side or had his eyes on me since we arrived. With the weather being so beautiful today, Helen wanted us all to eat outside on the patio set Wyatt bought her a couple of months ago. Luca and I have both acted very platonic, not wanting his family to think anything is going on between us. Even so, I know his parents and Ella know something is going on. Luca hasn’t really been secretive about his animosity toward Theo, even though he hasn’t outright said anything. I’m not the only one Theo has been shooting daggers at with his eyes. Anytime Luca is near me, he alternates the hateful looks between Luca and me. The worried gazes from Helen and Wyatt aren’t lost on me, but I’m grateful they haven’t said anything. Yet.

A small tug on my hand has me clearing my mind and looking down into a set of beautiful blue eyes.

“Hey, Aria.” I smile at her.

Her eyes are somber, too somber for her a girl her age, and it hurts my heart.

“How come you don’t live with me and Daddy anymore?”

I’ve been waiting on this question and have tried to prepare for it, but I’m not.

I squat down so I’m on her level, keeping her small palm in my hand, and try my best to explain my reasoning in a way she’ll understand.

“I loved living with you, but your dad and I….” I take a moment to find the right words. “It’s just best for your dad and me not to live together.”

Her brows pinch together into a frown and indents form in her chin as she thinks over my answer.

“Is it because he hurt you?” I hold in my shock at her wobbly question, but she’s not done. She steps closer to me, her eyes pooling with tears. “I saw Daddy that night. I saw him hurting you. Why did he do that to you, Jules?”

My nose burns and my throat bobs as I fight back a quiet sob. This precious little girl should have never witnessed anything so vile, and it makes me physically sick and immensely angry that she did. I thought she hadn’t seen what her dad was doing, because she never asked me about it, but apparently, I was wrong. Silently, I condemn Theo.

When her chin quivers, it crushes my soul, and I pull her against my chest. Her tiny arms wrap around my neck and she hugs me just as tight as I hug her. My eyes lift and are caught by Luca’s worried ones. When he looks like he’s going to come over, I subtly shake my head, letting him know it’s okay. The last thing that needs to happen right now is for him to know that Aria saw what Theo did. I have no doubt Luca will lose his mind and go after Theo, and Aria certainly doesn’t need to see that. Her innocent eyes have seen enough.

I pull back and wipe away Aria’s tears. Cupping both of her cheeks, I make sure her eyes are on mine.

“I’m okay, sweetie. There are times when things happen that make people do things they normally wouldn’t do. It doesn’t make them a bad person, though.” I refuse to damage Theo’s character even more in Aria’s eyes. “I know he’s sorry for hurting me.”

Her lips purse out into a scowl, but luckily the tears have stopped. “I didn’t like him doing that to you.”

“I know you didn’t and you shouldn’t have seen that. I promise he won’t do it again.”

“Because you’re not coming back?”

Her question sends a shard of pain through me, because I can see the hopeful expression in her eyes that says she wishes I would.

“No, baby,” I say gently. “I’m not coming back. But even if I did, I know he wouldn’t do it again.” When her expression turns sad again, I can’t help but add, “I’ve been staying with your uncle Luca. Maybe you can come spend the night sometime.”

Her eyes light up, but then dim after a moment. “Daddy won’t let me,” she says sadly. “He says I can’t stay with Uncle Luca anymore.”

That raises my anger again. He’s forbidding her visits to Luca because he’s mad at him and me. Luca loves Aria to pieces, and Aria loves him the same. His punishing Luca is also affecting his daughter.

“We’ll see what happens,” I tell her.

She nods dolefully. “Okay. Daddy hasn’t been very nice lately, so he’s been letting me stay with Gamma and Pa a lot.”

My throat closes, but I somehow force out the words. “Has… has he hurt you?”

Her eyes drop, and her words are mumbled so low I almost don’t hear them. “No. He just says mean things sometimes.”

My heart rate settles fractionally. Although verbal abuse is enough, I’m relieved he hasn’t hurt her physically. Theo wouldn’t have to worry about Luca coming after him, I would have myself. I’m meek and quiet most of the time, but the thought of Theo harming Aria sends rage rushing through my veins.

“Remember when I said people do things they normally wouldn’t?” At her nod, I continue. “Sometimes those things upset people so much they are mean to the ones they care about. For some people, that’s the only way they know how to get rid of the ugly feelings inside them. But it doesn’t mean they don’t love the ones they hurt. I know your daddy doesn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

I can tell she doesn’t fully believe my words from the way she’s biting her lip, and it makes me wonder exactly what he’s said to her. This is something else I’ll be talking to Luca about. I don’t like knowing Aria’s living in a place that makes her feel so uncomfortable, but I’m not really sure what can be done. Maybe he can talk to his parents about having them to talk to Theo. Ill feelings aside, he needs to know how much he’s hurting his daughter.

I look down at Aria’s hands that are clasped together in front of her. Something warm invades my chest at seeing her colored nails. They match my own. Our toes match as well. Seeing some of the color has chipped away and wanting to bring a smile back to her face, I take her hand in mine.

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