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The Sinister Silhouette

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When I feel his dick poking at my core, I cry. I cry so hard that I know my soul is fracturing into tiny little pieces that’ll be impossible to put back together. I cry until my heart splitters and starts weeping, bleeding out just like the blood that’s steadily flowing from my face and into the white porcelain of the sink.



I CLENCH MY JAW AND wait for Dad to finish showing me the used bike he bought off a friend that he’s going to rebuild. My patience is wearing thin, but I’d hate to burst his excited bubble. He’s been wanting a bike for years.

We’re in the garage, which means we’re not in the backyard where I can keep an eye on Jules and Theo. When I saw Jules talking to Aria and the expression on their faces, I knew something was wrong. I wanted to go to them, but Jules’s small headshake told me she had it under control and she didn’t need me. I still kept my eyes on them, so I saw the shift in their mood and was relieved when they both went into the house with smiles on their faces.

My eyes immediately tracked Theo as soon as they were gone, making sure his ass stayed outside and nowhere near the house. I’ve seen the way the motherfucker has been eyeing her. Like he wants to hurt her just as much as he wants to fuck her. And he says I went off my rocker all those years ago when I attacked Jules. That may be the case, but the looks he’s been shooting toward us both seriously make me doubt his sanity. I want nothing more than to pound his fucking face into the concrete patio, but I’ve kept my cool for the sake of everyone here.

The air has been tense, and I know my parents, Ella, and Vicki have felt it. They know something went down between Jules and Theo, just not what that something was. Ella has more of a clue than the others, but none of them have said anything yet. I’ve kept my distance from Jules as much as possible to not alert anyone, but fuck, it’s been hard. I can feel the anxious vibes coming off her, and I fucking hate not being able to reassure her.

“Dad,” I call, interrupting his spill about the engine he plans to buy next. “I’m gonna go check to see if Mom needs any help. The turkey should be done soon.”

“Yeah, yeah. I guess you’re right,” he mumbles, then covers the bike back with a tarp.

When we walk back through the gate leading to the backyard, my eyes scan around looking for Jules. I spot Aria talking with Ella and Vicki, but don’t see her. When I don’t find Theo either, warning bells start screaming in my head and my blood runs cold.

“Where’s Theo?” I bark to Mom as she puts a roll of paper towels down on the patio table.

“He went inside a few minutes ago to check on the turkey.” She frowns. “Why? What’s wrong?”

I don’t answer her because I’m rushing up the steps to the back door. He’s not in the kitchen or the living room when I look, and neither is Jules. I jerk my head around when I hear a noise in the back of the house. My feet are moving in that direction when I hear my dad call my name. Ignoring him, I pound down the hallway to the bathroom where there’s a light coming from beneath the door. I try the knob, but it’s locked. I’m just about to knock when I hear a whimper, then a muted growl.

Rage, pure and unencumbered, fills my system as I realize Theo’s in there with her doing God knows fucking what. I step back, and without warning, ram my shoulder against the door. It splinters open and what I see has my blood running so fucking hot with a violent need to murder my own brother.

He has Jules pinned to the sink, her arms held behind her back. Blood’s running down her pale face so fast that she can barely keep upright, while he has his sick fucking dick in his hand trying to push it inside her. The mirror in front of her is shattered, and I see specks of blood on the jagged pieces.

The shock hasn’t left his face from me busting the door in before an animalistic roar leaves my lips, and I grab the bastard by the back of his shirt, jerking him away. My fist connects with his nose and warm blood immediately starts rushing out. I hear screams behind me, but I pay them no mind as I land another punch to Theo’s stomach. He tries to double over in pain, but I hold him up by gripping his neck. When I have him standing again, I look into his eyes, showing him with mine that he’s made a big mistake. Blood drips from the corner of his mouth and his face is pinched in pain. When my face comes into his line of sight, he bares his blood-covered teeth.

“I’m going to fucking kill you,” I seethe at him and squeeze his throat, cutting off more of his oxygen.

The little fucking asshole smirks. “Do your best, but it’ll never change the fact that I’ve already had her,” he wheezes out.

Rearing back my fist, I ram it into the side of his sneering face. There’s more screams behind me, and I feel an arm trying to tug me back, but I’m so far into my rage that I jerk it free and smash my fist over and over into Theo’s face. No matter how many times I hit him, the need to do more damage grows. I want him dead at my feet. He’s my twin brother, but I want him fucking lifeless for touching Jules.

His weight drops, and I follow him to the floor, his head hitting the bathtub. Arms band around my chest and pull me back. I snarl and fight against them, but this time they manage to hold me. I kick out and gnash my teeth when my boot connects with his ribs. It’s not fucking enough though. I want more.

“Let me go,” I snarl to who I know is dad when I see his tattooed arm.

He pulls me out of the bathroom and slams me against the wall. “Goddammit, Luca. Stop!” he barks at me, his face red and the veins in his temple bulging.

“He fucking touched her,” I grit. “He fucking hurt her. Was going to rape her.”

“And he’s paying for it,” he growls back.

“Not. Fucking. Enough.” I pronounce each word slowly.

I’m wired as hell and my chest pumps up and down as I glare at Dad.

“This isn’t about you or Theo anymore. It’s about Jules.”

It’s her name that has me closing my eyes and trying to rein in my furious need to go back and finish what I started, but when I do, all I see is her face. The blood, the fear, the pain, and the helpless fucking look in her eyes. I shake my head, pushing the images away before anger takes over again. I pull in a deep breath, open my eyes, and meet Dad’s incensed gaze. Vicki’s standing beside him now, her expression no less irate than Dad’s.

“You need to go get Theo out of there,” she tells Dad. Her eyes move to me. “I’ve got him.”

Under different circumstances, her statement would be funny. She and I both know if I wanted in that bathroom, nothing, especially not her, would stop me. The only thing holding me back is knowing Jules is in there too.

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