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The Sinister Silhouette

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“Then I found out you and he got married and planned to leave Silver Hill. I couldn’t let that happen. I went to your house to try one more time, but again, you rejected me. I found you packing, waiting for him to come get you. Since you wouldn’t give me what I wanted”—He bends at the waist and shouts his next words—“I fucking took it.”

Nausea rolls violently in my stomach, and I gag. Luckily nothing comes up. A pair of evil eyes from my dream the other night flash in my mind, and I recoil. The pain and fear my dream self felt roll in me. I’m not sure how much more I can take of what Theo’s telling me before I lose it. Unfortunately, he’s not done.

“Mmm…,” he moans. “Even though he had you before me, it felt so fucking good to finally have your tight pussy wrapped around my cock. It was the best I ever had. I had every intention of taking you with me, but finally knowing what you felt like solidified my decision.” His head tips to the side as he regards me. “Do you remember me shoving my cock inside you, Jules? How much it hurt? Do you remember fighting me, only to be held down and forced to take every inch? I laughed in your face when you begged me to stop then started crying for my brother to save you. It was my punishment to you for choosing him over me. I would have been gentle with you, would have worshipped you, given you so much more than he ever could, but you fucked that up the first time you let Luca touch you. I wanted it to hurt and I made sure of it.”

This time I can’t stop the vomit from leaving my lips. I bend to the side and expel the food in my stomach. I heave and heave and heave until there’s nothing left. My throat is raw, and tears run a constant stream down my face. I feel like my head is going to explode at any minute.

“That’s fucking disgusting,” he snarls.

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and drag my gaze back to him, my breathing coming out in heavy puffs. His expression shows distaste, as if me throwing up on his floor is so much worse than what he’s done to me and Luca.

“What in the hell is wrong with you?” I cry. “What kind of sick person does that to people?”

He shrugs. “The kind that goes after what he wants and doesn’t let anything get in his way.”

“Why didn’t my doctors tell me about my attack when I woke up? It has to be in my medical records.”

A creepy smile slides across his lips. “I told them not to tell you. I wanted to be the one because I just knew it would upset you. The doctor agreed that it may be too much for you to handle, and we should let the memories come back on their own, or I tell you in private later on. Just another piece of the puzzle that worked in my favor.”

“And my parents?” I ask hoarsely. “They never knew I was in a coma, did they?”

Another crazed laugh falls from his lips. “Fucking awesome, right? Them kicking you to the curb when you told them you and Luca got married played in perfectly with my plans. They thought you and Luca left as you told them you were going to, so they never looked for you. Poor fucking rich bastards never knew you were only fifteen miles from them the whole time.”

My stomach heaves with pain. “Why give me a fake number?”

“It was just another way to punish you. Seeing the pain on your face when you thought they were rejecting you was priceless.”

“How—” I start then stop when the word comes out a croak. I clear my scratchy throat. I don’t know why I’m still asking questions. I know all I need to know. I know my life for over seven years has been a sick lie. I know Luca unknowingly has suffered just as much as me. And I know the man before me won’t stop for anything to get what he wants, even without his words from a moment ago telling me. Tears track down my cheeks as I look up at him. “How could you hate me so much? How could you hate your brother so much? He’s your family.”

He gnashes his teeth and an eerie sound comes from his throat. “Because you both fucked up my plans. It was going to be me and you who got married. Me and you who moved from this fucked-up town. Me and you who were going to have children. He took everything from me and you fucking let him.”

“I hate you.” Now it’s my turn to bare my teeth at him. My voice is as cold as ice. “I hate you, and I hope you rot in hell. And that Luca is the one who puts you there.”

Just as I say the last word, my phone starts ringing. I look down at it on the floor beside me then frantically reach for it. Right as my hand touches it, Theo’s boot lands on top of my fingers. I cry out at the shooting pain and snatch my hand back.

I hold it to my chest as he stomps on the small device until it’s in several pieces. My hopes crumble. It was my only means to call for help. I have the other phone, but haven’t memorized anyone’s number. I could call the police, but from experience, I know they won’t make it here in time. My only hope is that Luca sees my message and comes for me. I

have no doubt he will, I just don’t know if he’ll make it before it’s too late.

Luca, please help! I scream silently.

When he’s done smashing the phone, he reaches down and grabs me by the hair. I cry out when he yanks me to my feet.

“Shut up, bitch,” he growls menacingly.

“What are you going to do?” I yell.

He puts his face so close to mine that spit flies out and lands on my cheek when he barks, “We’re going to have a little reunion.”

I start to struggle against him, clawing at the hand in my hair and kicking out with my feet. I manage to hit his shin and he hisses out a curse. The backhand hit he delivers has me seeing stars. For a moment, I’m disoriented, but it’s not long before I’m struggling once again. I’m thrown to the bed and before I get the chance to bolt away, he’s sitting on my lower stomach. He grips both of my wrists then maneuvers them into one of his hands. He bends down until our noses touch.

“This is what you did the first time I took you, Jules,” he taunts, then licks my cheek. I fight back the bile rising in my throat. “If it makes you feel any better, you put up a good fight, you just weren’t strong enough.”

He buries his face in my neck and sucks a piece of my flesh into his mouth.

“You taste so fucking good. Better than I remember,” he mumbles. He pulls back and looks at the spot on my neck his lips were just at. “My mark looks so good on you. Just how it’s supposed to be, and how it will always be.”

Anger, white-hot and fierce, gives me courage, and I lift my head and spit in his face. “I’ll never be yours,” I seethe.

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