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Watching Mine

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The only people who know the truth about Avery are my parents, my doctor, Jessika, and a select few close friends of the family. To protect Avery’s emotional state, that’s the way I want to keep it for the time being.

His hands move down my thighs and lift my shirt. I’m commando underneath, and he must like it because he groans.

“Damn, you look good in my shirt, but fuck if it doesn’t get even better knowing it’s the only thing you’re wearing.”

I turn in his arms and run my hands up his very defined, very sexy chest until they’re around his neck. “You hungry?” I ask throatily. I peel my eyes away from the mouthwatering sight in front of me and look up at him.

“I’m fucking starving,” he growls, gently shoving his hardness against my lower stomach.

I grin. “I meant for food. Want some breakfast?”

Grabbing two handfuls of ass, he lifts me, turns, then deposits me on the island counter. It’s cold against my bare skin. He wedges his way in between my legs and slips his hands underneath my shirt.

“I’d rather eat you.” The husky way he says it and the look in his eyes makes things very wet between my legs, and I know I’ll be scrubbing my counters later.

Tweaking my nipples, he orders, “Lie back.”

What’s a girl to do when an incredibly sexy man tells her to do something that she knows will lead to an extraordinary amount of pleasure?

She fucking does what he says.


A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER, Nathan and I are on the couch. He’s on his back, and I’m on my side wedged between him and the back of the couch. Our breathing is still labored from just finishing round… I can’t remember. With my head on his chest, I trace the lines of his abs.

Thinking about the night I danced with Dean on the dance floor and then last night with Wyatt, and remembering how intense Nathan looked as he watched, I ask him a question I’ve been curious about.

“You like to watch people, don’t you?” Heat creeps up my cheeks.

The hand he was using to rub up and down my side stops for a moment, then resumes.

“Yes,” he answers.

“Do you… like to watch people have sex?” I already know the answer, but I ask it anyway.


I don’t know why, but that answer doesn’t creep me out like I thought it would. In fact, it does the opposite, causing my stomach to quiver pleasantly.

“I’ve always been a people watcher, ever since I can remember,” Nathan says, surprising me. “I didn’t have a normal childhood. My mother was a stripper who worked in the strip club my dad owned. They stayed together for seven years before she up and left. I didn’t know what it meant at the time, but she would always accuse him of cheating. As an adult, I asked Dad if he did, and he said no, that although he was surrounded by naked women all the time and he could have had any number of them, he was never even tempted to cheat. He loved her.”

I run the tip of my finger up the center of his chest, then over his left collarbone. “That must have been hard on you, losing your mom at such a young age.”

“It wasn’t really. She wasn’t much of a mother. I had better motherly influences from some of the other women at the club.” He releases a long breath. “Anyway. Growing up in a strip club, you can imagine the shit I saw. My dad was very protective of his girls and the other staff members, but he also let them do what they felt comfortable with. If that meant taking a customer to one of the back rooms to fuck for extra money, then so be it. I pretty much had free run of the place, except out on the main floor when the doors were open. I don’t remember the first time I saw people have sex because I was so young I can’t remember back that far.”

“I’m sorry.” I lean over to kiss his chest.

“Don’t be. I was never touched inappropriately, and it’s not like my dad encouraged me to watch. I just did it on my own because I was curious. It was fascinating seeing how different a woman’s body was from a man’s. Men’s hard bodies to a woman’s soft curvy one. Or how they responded when they touched each other. Not in a weird way, just in a way that it was different. It may not have been an ideal childhood, but I know my dad loved me and did the best he could at the time. I didn’t lose my virginity to one of the women there. I lost it like most other boys, to a random girl at school when I was fourteen. I just had a lot better understanding of sex than most boys. When I hit puberty, the curiosity became something more. It made my body feel good in ways it hadn’t before. I like to watch as a man pleasures a woman or vice versa. Or when they pleasure their own body. Their faces and body language. You can read a lot from a person’s face or how their body reacts to touch.”

When he’s finished, I stay quiet, absorbing what he just revealed. A lot of people would consider his childhood a form of neglect or abuse. Putting a child in a position where they are exposed to people having sex or naked women walking around all the time could be traumatizing and affect a child in terrible ways. I don’t know him well enough to give an assessment. However, I can say I believe he thinks he wasn’t; even as an adult he feels that way.

“I don’t know what to say,” I tell him quietly, speaking the truth. How does a person respond to what he just said?

He rolls to his side, bringing my leg over his hip. His half-hard cock bumps my lower stomach.

“There’s nothing to say.” His eyes flip back and forth between mine for a moment, then his mouth curves up on one side. “Except for you to say you enjoyed me watching you.”

“I already told you I did,” I snicker.

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