Violent Ends (The Denton Family Legacy 5) - Page 2

“Get your own damn beer.” If she didn’t make them do stuff, they’d hire someone. She was surprised neither of them had put an ad in the paper looking for someone to cater to their every whim. Sipping at her coffee, she knew she had to get out of this rut that she was living in. Her family was gone, or at least the bad element of her family was gone. All that remained were her brothers. Owen and Wyatt had always been trained to accept this life. Being a Denton was no different than being a Colton, at least to them it wasn’t. Her brother Gabriel, well, he was adjusting so much better to a life of a Denton, but then, he was one. She knew at times it was hard for Charlotte, Maddox’s wife. But then she’d been pregnant with Jacob not long after Maddox had gotten her own mother pregnant with Gabriel.

It was all a bit confusing but not by much.

To be plain, Maddox was a horndog before he found his match. Emma couldn’t help but smile thinking about her big brother. She wondered if Gabriel would suffer with the famous Denton curse.

“Whoa, sis, what did you do to your hair?” Owen asked, coming into the kitchen.

She picked up some strands, looking at the color. “Dyed it, why?”

“It looks … different?”

“Good different or bad different?”

“I don’t know. Good different?”

She chuckled. “Are you saying that so I don’t kick your ass?”

“Totally, you know I’m petrified of you.” He grabbed two beers out of the fridge.

“I just needed a change.”

“We all do sometimes.”

She stared down into her coffee cup.

“Is there anything you want to talk about?”

“Nah, I’m good.”

“You sure? You look like you’ve got shit you want to say.”

“It’s fine.”

“Brian giving you a hard time?”

She tilted her head to the side. “Do you really care about Brian?”

“Not really, but he’s been dating you, so now I need to know if I have to go and kick his ass.”

“You can leave his ass alone. We’re good. Honest.” She’d not seen Brian in a couple of weeks. It wasn’t a problem. Their dates were fine and a little on the fun side, but they didn’t exactly thrill her. Far from it.

She found dating Brian to be a real bore.

He wouldn’t kiss her. Holding hands seemed to be abhorrent to him. She’d started to wonder why he even wanted to go on a date with her at all. He was constantly asking her if she was having fun, if she was enjoying herself.

If she gave even the tiniest hint that she was bored, he looked panicked. It didn’t exactly make for a good date, and she often found herself wondering if he even wanted to be there.

So, the next time he’d called, she’d simply not responded. It had been a lot easier for her. There was no point dating someone she no longer felt comfortable with.

“You okay?” Owen asked again.

“Yeah. I’m going to head out. I saw a new pizza place. You guys want something?”

“Why don’t you order in?” he asked.

“Nah, I don’t want to do that. I’d like to have the fresh air. You know, just stretch my legs.” Be alone out of the apartment so I can think.

“You want some company?” Wyatt asked, suddenly appearing in the doorway.

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024