Bitter Truths (The Denton Family Legacy 3) - Page 35

Maddox folded his arms. “So where were you hidden that night?”

“Follow me.”

She made her way down to the main floor toward the closet. She opened the door, banged on the wall, and moved out of the way. “That’s where Lionel put me. It’s secure, and secret. No one but me and Lionel knew about it. He put it there when our parents were away on one of their many get-togethers. Now, if you don’t mind. I’d really like to get home.”


Later that day Maddox sat at his table with his wife and sons.

“So it’s really her?” Charlotte asked.

“Yes, it’s really her.”

“You should have seen her, Mom, she knew everything. The secret compartment in the desk, along with Lionel’s secret stash,” Jacob said.

“Did you know about them?” Charlotte looked between Maddox and Jacob.

Jacob shook his head. “No. I didn’t know about it. Lionel was very secretive. He told me he had prepared Ruby in the event of his death. I had no idea this was it.”

“The Coltons are getting close,” Abel said. “Oliver discovered they had approached Randal, and he was fucking the guy’s wife. Didn’t take a lot to torture the information out of the guy.”

Maddox had already known about the betrayal from Lionel, and it pissed him the fuck off. The Coltons had been punished years ago, and his own father had tried to make sure that they didn’t have any backlash from them.

“Have the Coltons approached?” Charlotte asked.

“No,” Maddox said, sighing. Usually by now their enemies had reached out, and given them their special message. He didn’t know what the fuck to expect anymore. The Coltons were picking off their men one by one, and if they didn’t kill them, then he or his sons had to deal with it. He was getting bored of killing men that were once loyal.

“Are you okay?” Charlotte asked, taking hold of his hand.

He nodded. “Lionel took a lot to his grave, and I need to get my hands on those files.”

“You can ask her for them.”

“If she had any sense, she wouldn’t allow anyone to get them,” Maddox said, rubbing his eyes. “Have we heard from Oliver?”

“No. He hasn’t said anything,” Jacob said, putting his cell phone on the counter.

Maddox started down at the cell phone, hoping they found out the betrayer soon. He thought he’d gotten him ten years ago when he killed the Santos’s main man.

“What if the guy’s someone close?” Rick said, speaking up.

Maddox looked toward his brother, seeing the strain the visit was having on him. Rick found life easier in England, when he wasn’t pulled into the death. He helped people avoid death, whereas the Dentons were known for bringing it.

“How do you mean?” Maddox asked.

“Whoever betrayed us and the Santoses ten years ago was close to all of us. Close enough to know what Lionel was doing. Close enough to know that he found the identity. Also, we have to assume that man or woman, is working with them now,” Rick said.

“It’s someone close to home.”


Rick was known for not trusting people. He didn’t allow himself to get too close with anyone outside of the Denton name. At times it surprised Maddox that his brother had even found the love of his life.

“We’ll find whoever is responsible.” Maddox was going to be sure of it. Ten years was a long time to wait to avenge the death of his friends, and he didn’t like waiting.

He was going to make sure whoever betrayed him suffered.

Chapter Seven

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024