Mr. London - Page 9

Alex releases my mouth, pulling back slowly. I look down and take a few deep breaths to steady myself. My body is begging for more, the sensation of his kiss still coursing through me. Alex gently lifts my chin, his eyes flooded with a mixture of desire and concern.

“Are you okay, Katherine?” he asks.

I smile weakly. “I’m okay. I think.” We both laugh softly, and I lean against him, his strong arms wrapped around me. We sit in silence for a few moments.

Finally, I lift my head off of his shoulder. He brushes a loose strand of hair away from my face. I need to go home, need some time to think.

“Thank you for a lovely day, Alex. I need to go home, though.”

“Of course. I’ve really enjoyed our time together,” he says softly. “Let me hail a cab for you.”

We leave Holland Park, my arm linked with his. This is nice. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. Ever, actually.

We emerge out into the main street and Alex hails a cab for me. I turn, facing him. We hug, and he gives me a quick peck on my lips.

“Goodbye, Alex,” I say, while getting into the cab.

He squeezes my hand. “See you Monday, Katherine. Cheers.”

I arrive back to my flat, thoughts whirling in my mind. I can’t believe I just made out with my boss. My boss. I sigh and sit down on the bed. This is not what I had planned. The three glasses of merlot must be wearing off because suddenly I feel like I’ve made a big mistake.

Heather’s words flashed through my mind. He looks like trouble, if you know what I mean. Trouble is what I don’t need, that’s for sure. What I do need is a long, hot, relaxing bath.

I turn the water on in the bathtub. It feels good to be home in my flat. I haven’t been here long, but it’s already become my sanctuary. It’s not a lot of space, especially compared to American standards, but it’s mine. My own spot in this busy, hectic city.

I slip my loafers off, slide out of my jeans, and pull my sweater up over my head. I bring the sweater to my nose, inhaling deeply, faint traces of Alex’s cologne still clinging to the fabric.

Sprinkling some lavender bath salts into the water, I gingerly slide into the steaming hot bath, immediately feeling myself relax. I sit in the tub, pulling my legs up in front of me, wrapping my arms around my legs. The steam from the water rises, enveloping me, the scent of lavender calming me.

This is exactly what I needed. I lean back in the tub, closing my eyes. I see his face. His deep blue eyes penetrating into me. The taste of his lips. His mouth on mine. The feel of his strong hands.

There’s no denying it – I wanted Alex McCall in a way that I’d never experienced before. The attraction between us was too strong to ignore, my defenses too weak to fight it.

Alex closes the door behind him, turns and locks the two deadbolts on the door. Not that a steel door really needed two deadbolts, but nonetheless, he liked the extra security it gave him. He went to his office to check his email. Normally, he would check his email once every hour, sometimes more, even on weekends. But today was different. He had planned to make a quick trip to Portobello Market just to pick up a bottle of his favorite whisky. Years ago, while shopping at the market, by chance, he had stumbled upon a man who sold the best whisky. He had been buying whisky from him ever since.

While walking through the market he was pleasantly surprised to spot Katherine. As soon as he saw her he stopped in his tracks, her unassuming beauty shining like a beacon, calling to him. She was dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a white cable knit sweater, her blonde hair tucked behind her ears. He had watched her as she admired a white scarf. He had listened to her speak to the saleslady, her sweet Southern accent like music to his ears. To his surprise, she had agreed to have a drink with him. And even more surprising, she had three drinks with him.

He decided to take a shower. He walked to the master bathroom, the white marble gleaming. He turned on the double showerhead, stepped inside, warm water streaming down his toned body. At forty-two, he was still in good shape. He ran his hands through his hair. He closed his eyes and thought about Katherine, running her hands through his hair earlier today. She was different from the other women he knew. Sure, she was different in that she’s American and from the South. But it was more than those surface differences. Katherine was different in her intelligence, her warmth, in her strong character. He was used to women falling all over themselves, trying to get his attention, making it way too easy for him. Katherine wasn’t like that. She was cautious. A challenge. And nothing turned him on more than a challenge.

Chapter 7

“Okay, that’s fine. What about the color scheme for the front lobby? We also need to discuss lighting and fixtures for the penthouse suites,” I said. I was speaking to Diana Freeman, head designer for the all of the Cosmo hotels. I had arrived to work early Monday morning, determined to remain focused on the job, wanting to stay as busy as possible.

I had spent the rest of the weekend thinking about Alex, my career, and my priorities. As much as I had enjoyed Saturday afternoon with Alex, my focus was my career. Alex may not care about his reputation, but I planned on keeping mine intact. In fact, the more I thought about, the more I realized I was probably just another woman for him to chase. And once the chase was over, I would be out cold. Well, think again, Mr. London. I wasn’t going to be used like that. I was here for my job, my career, and I had bigger plans than drooling all over myself, pining over him. I’m sure there are plenty of women who would be more than happy to do that for Alex. I, however, wasn’t one of them. He may have thought so, but he would have to think again. I took a deep breath, smoothing down my black and white tweed skirt, and resolved to keep things strictly professional between the two of us.

Sandra walked by, stopping to say hello. “Good morning, Katherine,” she said brightly. “You’re here early today.”

“Good morning, Sandra. I thought I would get an early start on the day, you know, catch up on some things.”

She nodded understandingly. “How was your weekend?”

Oh, shit. Did she somehow know about me and Alex? Was it written all over my face? Cut it out, you’re being paranoid.

“It w

as fine,” I said lightly, trying to sound casual. “Just did some shopping at Portobello Market. And how was your weekend?” I asked, hoping to get the subject off me.

“Oh, I love shopping at Portobello Market. I haven’t been there in ages. Would love to go with you next time. Harry just hates shopping at markets, you know, the crowds and all,” she said, rolling her eyes. Harry was Sandra’s second husband. They had been married for two years and Sandra absolutely adored him.

Tags: Margot Scott Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024