Mr. London - Page 40

A soft knock. Caprice bounds to the door, looking out of the peephole. It was the butler with lunch.

Caprice opens the door for the butler as he pushes the linen covered table into the room, glancing at Caprice. He quickly casts his eyes down, his face flushing red, her beauty, her sexy body too much for him to handle.

Caprice sat outside on the terrace overlooking the city, dining on shrimp salad and sipping a glass of sparkling water. The sun was shining brightly, and a light breeze blew gently.

London wasn’t so bad after all, thought Caprice.

Chapter 30

The Cosmopolitan Hotel is almost complete. To my amazement, the process has flown by, seeming as though we had only just begun. The hotel was scheduled for its grand opening celebration in two weeks.

I stood in my office, filing a stack of reports, reminding myself to update Alex’s calendar. The interior designer had called to reschedule a meeting regarding a last minute change in the suite furnishings which needed Alex’s stamp of approval.

I knock on Alex’s door. “Come in.”

He glances away from his computer when he sees me and stops what he’s doing. “Hey, you,” he says, smiling warmly.

“Hello to you, too. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Just need to update your meetings calendar.”

“You know you never interrupt me. I can always make time for you.” His voice is full of sincerity.

“Well, thank you, Mr. McCall,” I respond, a hint of teasing in my voice.

“Come here,” Alex says, laughing. He pulls me close, his touch causing my nerve endings to tingle with delight.

I wrap my arms around his neck. “You know, Mr. McCall, we shouldn’t be doing this here,” I tell him, trying to keep a straight face.

“Yes, you’re probably right, Miss Harris. But…….I don’t care.” And with that, he kisses me, his tongue parting my lips, exploring my mouth.

Our lips part and we stand in front of his desk, holding each other. “I’ve been thinking about you all morning,” Alex says.

“I’ve been thinking about you, too,” I reply, smiling.

Alex pulls back from me, holding my hands. “You know the Cosmo Hotel is only two weeks away from completion.”

I nod. “Yes, I was just thinking about that earlier. It seems like we just started on the project,” I reply, feeling relieved the project has turned out so well.

“Yes, time certainly flies when you’re having fun,” he says, distractedly. He picks up a pen, drops it back down on his desk.

I frown, sensing something is on his mind. “Is everything okay, Alex?”

He looks up, his gorgeous blue eyes penetrating into me. “Yes, I’m fine, Katherine.” He pauses before continuing. “It’s just……well……” He trails off, walking to the windows overlooking the city.

“It’s just what, Alex. You can tell me.” I grip the pen in my hand, suddenly feeling slightly alarmed. Alex is always so in control of himself. I haven’t seen this side to him before. He turns around, facing me, running his hand through his hair, a look of apprehension on his face.

“After the hotel is completed, I want you…. us….. to return to my country home. And not just for a long weekend either. I want us to stay there for awhile, just you and me. I suppose you could call it an extended holiday.” He looks at me, anticipating my response.

“An extended holiday?” I repeat. “For how long? What about work? What will people say?” I ask, firing off one question after another.

“I know, I know,” says Alex. He takes me in his arms, his strong arms calming me. “I just want to get away for awhile, spend some time with you, and only you. As far as the business, I won’t be taking on any new hotel projects while we’re gone. Harold can contact me if he needs my input. In the meantime, the rest of the team can handle the day-to-day operations.”

Before I have a chance to respond, Sandra buzzes in. “Alex?”

“Yes, Sandra,” Alex says impatiently, glancing back at me.

“Your four o’clock conference call is on line three.”

“Thank you, Sandra.”

Tags: Margot Scott Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024