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Mr. London

Page 52

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“Hi, Sandra. Yeah, he sent me a text letting me know. Is there something going on?” I asked.

Sandra shrugged her shoulders, not taking her eyes off me. “I don’t know. Is there something going on, Katherine?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I looked down at my desk, trying to decide how much to tell her. Sandra closed the door behind her and set the reports down. She pulled up a chair, scooting up as close to the desk as she could. “Look, it’s really none of my business whatever is going on between you and Alex. It’s just……”

“Just what?” I asked defensively.

“It’s just that Alex has a reputation. He screws anything in a skirt. You know this, Katherine. And when he gets bored, that’s it. It’s over. He’s not capable of being in a committed relationship.”

“How do you know, Sandra? How do you know what he’s capable of and what he’s not?” I could hear my voice rising, my temper coming to the surface.

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all. I really don’t. I know what that feels like.”

She reached over to squeeze my hand. I pulled back, staring at her. “What do you mean you know what that feels like? Are you telling me you and Alex……..?”

Sandra took a deep breath, sighing. “What I am telling you, is that you need to be careful. Take care of yourself, and do what’s right for you and your future. That’s all I’m saying.” Sandra said, a concerned look on her face.

I nodded my head and turned back to the email. “I’ve got work to do. Close the door on your way out.” I kept my face glued to my computer while Sandra left, closing the door quietly behind her.

Sandra didn’t come out and say it, but I damn well knew what she meant. She and Alex had fucked. I knew Alex had a reputation for fucking any woman he could. But Sandra? I shook my head. Really, I shouldn’t be surprised. Alex was a major man-whore. And I knew this when I got involved with him.

What did you expect, Katherine? That you were going to change him. Please.

I remained in my office the rest of the day, determined to stay as busy as I could. It was actually a good day for Alex to be out of the office. I thought about seeing him tonight. Did I even want to see him?

Yes, I decided. I do want to see Alex tonight – I need answers.

Alex has a past. I could accept that. But I needed to know from him that his past was in the past. I needed to know if we, me and Alex, have a future together.

By the time I arrive home that evening, I’ve cooled down. Some. The buzzer rings, and I race to answer it. “Hello?” I speak into the intercom.

“It’s me.” Alex’s voice oozes through the speakers. I push a button, allowing him entrance into the building. A few moments later, a knock on my door.

As soon as I fling open the door, my stomach clenches into knots. Alex’s face is drawn, his mouth in a tight line. I know, without a doubt, something is seriously wrong.

He brushes past me, looking all around my flat, even scanning the ceiling. He turns back around to me. “We need to talk.”

I stand in front of him, my arms crossed. “Yes, we do.” Alex looks at me, a slightly puzzled look on his face. Then he says, “There’s something going on, and you can’t be here. You have to leave.”

“Alex, what are you talking about? What do you mean I have to leave?” My heart pounding, I feel a mixture of anger and anxiety. Not a good feeling.

“Let’s sit down,” he says, leading me to the couch. Holding my hand, Alex says, “I’m sure you’ve heard that I have a past, a reputation. But there –”

“I sure as hell have, and that’s what I need to talk to you about,” I interrupted.

Alex pressed on. “But there are things about my past that you haven’t heard about. I used to be in a dangerous line of work, Katherine. Sometimes I had to deal with really dangerous situations. And a certain situation has resurfaced that I must take care of. In the meantime, you cannot be here. Otherwise, you could be in danger.”

My mind was racing. “What kind of work were you involved in? Something illegal?” I ask. All questions about him and Sandra evaporated from my mind. Oh, God. Please don’t tell me I’m dealing with a past criminal here.

Alex shook his head. “No, nothing illegal, I can assure you.” He paused for moment before continuing. Then he said, “Katherine, I used to work for MI-5.”

I blinked. “MI-5? You mean like James Bond?”

“Sort of,” Alex replied, laughing softly. “I worked for the British government as a field operative for MI-5. Surveillance, information gathering, work of that nature. And sometimes the investigations posed real and dangerous threats to my safety, as well as the safety of anyone I knew. That’s why you have to leave London. In fact, I want you to leave the country and return to the States where you’ll be safe.”

“What exactly is going on, Alex? What ‘certain situation’ has resurfaced?” I demanded.

“I can’t tell you that. I won’t. It would put you in even more danger by knowing too much,” he said, squeezing my hand. “Please, just trust me, Katherine,” he said, his voice soft. “You need to leave. Now. I’ve made arrangements for you to return to Atlanta tonight using the company’s private jet. Antonio is outside, ready to drive you to the airport. You need to leave in one hour.”

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