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Mr. London

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That’s what I want. A normal life with Katherine.

He wondered if Nick Stone ever wished for a normal life. Nick Stone who had appeared so normal and together in the beginning. Nick Stone who ultimately snapped, his mind shattered to pieces.

Alex pushed these thoughts out of his mind, determined to stay focused. Whatever snapped inside Nick’s brain was impossible to figure out and a waste of time. Alex had to remain focused on what was important – his life with Katherine.


Nick stood in front of the mirror of his tiny bathroom. He blinked a few times, trying to make the image in front of him come into focus. He could see his reflection in the mirror, but only just. He blinked again, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. He could make out the outline of his head, but everything else was fuzzy, hazy, his eyes unable to focus clearly on the details of his face.

Nick reached out to touch the mirror. He jerked his fingers back, the mirror ice cold. He narrowed his eyes, trying to force his eyes to focus on his reflection. The harder Nick tried, the more blurry his reflection became.

You’re fucking crazy, a voice inside Nick’s brain sang out. Fucking crazy……..

Shut up, Nick thought angrily.

You are. But you already know that, don’t ya Nick? Crazy, crazy, crazy………the voice inside laughed, taunting Nick.

“If you don’t shut up, I’ll make you,” Nick said out loud to the inner voice, struggling to maintain control. He could feel himself begin to shake with anger.

Oh yeah? the inner voice replied. What are you gonna do, you crazy motherfucker?

Nick didn’t like the mocking tone of the voice. “I’ll show you, you bitch!” he screamed.

Show me?! You’ll show me? You won’t show me anything. You won’t do shit!! The inner voice laughed hysterically.

Suddenly, Nick grabbed both sides of the mirror and slammed his head into it as hard as he could. The mirror cracked and broke into a thousand fragmented pieces.

Nick pulled back, a thin line of blood trickling down the side of his face. The inner voice was silenced. He blinked a few times, and then smiled. Nick could see his reflection clearly now, in each disjointed shard of glass.

He returned to his ugly brown couch. He felt calmer now, able to think. He sat, picking tiny pieces of glass out of his hair, and thought about Katherine Harris.

Nick had kept a low profile for a few days. Now, it was time to return to her flat. It was time for him and Katherine to become acquainted.

Tomorrow night, he thought. When the bitch gets home from work, I’ll be there. Waiting.

Chapter 39

“Is everything okay, honey?” my mother asked as we sped along the interstate. She glanced over at me, patting my hand.

I smiled weakly. “It will be.” I knew she wanted to know more, but I just couldn’t talk about it right now. Jet-lagged from the flight, all I could think about was getting home and crawling into bed.

She nodded. “Okay. Well, I’m just happy you’re back home. We’ve missed you so much.” Her voice was warm and welcoming.

“Thanks, Mom. It’s good to be back.” I looked out of the window, the familiar images of Georgia flashing by. I sent Alex a text, letting him know I had arrived safely. God, I missed him so much. I was happy to be home, but I’d be happier to be back in his arms again. It’s where I belonged.

“Dad and the boys are all waiting to see you. I’m going to make your favorite meal……..” She rattled on about chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes. I nodded my head and smiled, all the while my mind a million miles away. Four thousand miles away to be exact. I was physically in Georgia, but emotionally I was still there in London. I thought about Alex, wondered what was happening. Wondered if he was thinking about me, too.

Please God, keep him safe, I thought. I don’t know what I’d do without him.

Alex awoke abruptly, having fallen asleep on the couch last night. He had stayed up half the night, the other half a fitful, restless sleep. He had checked the camera outside Katherine’s flat several more times, each time feeling more and more worried. Alex’s instinct told him that she was next on Nick’s list. First Nicole, then Katherine.

He would call Fred today. Surely, he would have something to report on Nick’s location. In the meantime, he’d make an appearance at the office. He’d tell everyone at work that Katherine was sick, and would be out for a few days. All the while keeping an eye on her flat. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he actually wanted to go over to Katherine’s place. Just make sure her flat was safe and secure. Lay eyes on the place. Besides, he had the spare key that she had given him right before she left.

Yes, Alex thought. I’ll stop by her place tonight after I leave the office. Take a quick look around. See what I can see.

Alex felt better already.

“He gave a fake address,” Fred Langley reported.

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