Fallen University: Year One - Page 56

“Oh, look, Gavriel’s mistress has decided to grace us with her presence.” Sonja’s voice cut through the last strands of control I had around my temper.

I whirled around to face her. “What the fuck did you just say?”

“Admit it,” she said through her teeth. “Only a trained demon would have been able to do what you did the day we brought you in. You’ve had this uncanny natural talent the whole time, haven’t you? You might have everyone else fooled into thinking you’re some kind of demon prodigy, but not me. I know the truth.”

I blinked at her. “Really? Why don’t you tell me, then we’ll both know?”

She took a step toward me. “You were with Gavriel, weren’t you? Before we ever found you. You probably lured that stupid girl who follows you around everywhere into a trap to get her turned. Xero’s in on it, I know he is.”

Fury tinged the edges of my vision red. “You keep his name out of your mouth.”

She smirked. “That’s why you went to him the second you could, isn’t it? He was your contact on the inside. The rest of them? Nothing but slaves. You’re a twisted bitch. You’ve brainwashed those idiots to do whatever you tell them. You’re just using them to get what you want for your evil lover.”

Something snapped inside of me, and my body moved. I was throwing punches before I’d made the conscious decision to do so, blow after blow connecting with her smug, stupid face. I saw her knuckles a millisecond before they connected with my eye, then my fist was in her hair and I was bashing her face into the locker.

She roared and lashed out with nails that had turned razor-sharp. I dodged out of the way before she could spill my guts all over the locker room floor and aimed a kick at her gut. She doubled over, struggling for breath.

“Stupid bitch,” she gasped as she straightened. “Is fighting like a human supposed to convince me or something? Go fuck yourself.” She spat blood onto the floor by my foot and stormed out. The few students who hadn’t fled when our fight broke out filtered through the door behind her, heading to class.

I stood, breathless and trembling, still full of rage. I could have gone two more rounds with energy to burn. They all really needed to stop fucking with me before I lost control and killed somebody.


I turned around to find Kingston leaning against a locker with his hands in his pockets.

“What are you doing in here?” I wiped the blood and sweat from my face and gingerly touched my swollen eye.

“Watching you kick her ass. Thanks for sticking up for us. That was good of you.”

“Yeah, yeah. Ow.” I hissed a breath as I poked at the tender bruise on the side of my face.

“Sit down.” He waved at a bench. “I’ll be back with some ice.”

“You don’t need to—”

But he was already gone. I sighed, muttering after his retreating back, “Seriously, just kiss me or something and I’ll be fine. But you know, ice is better for boundaries, I guess.”

I slouched onto the bench and crossed my arms, knowing exactly how petulant I looked and not finding it in myself to care. I had plenty to be petulant about.

Kingston was back in minutes with an ice pack. I moved to take it from him, but he brushed my hand aside.

“Tilt your head back a little.” When I did as he’d instructed, he cradled my head in his left hand and applied the ice with his right. The cold felt good. His touch felt better.

“Didn’t expect you to be adept at first aid,” I teased. “Don’t you rich kids have people who handle that sort of thing?”

A little half-grin barely brushed his face. “Ha ha. And yes, usually we do. But I was very active in sports and adventure groups all through school. You wouldn’t believe how many black eyes you’ll get playing polo.”

I laughed. “Polo? Really?”

“What, you’re surprised? I thought you could sense things about people. Like a competitive spirit.”

I was quiet for a moment, studying his emerald eyes. My neck was warming where his hand cradled me, and that warmth was spreading, moving lower through my body like a trickle of pure pleasure.

Focus, dammit.

“I do sense some things about you. A love of money and power. Is that why you resent this place so much? Not really a whole lot of money making opportunities around here.”

He winced and looked away, and my brows pulled together. I couldn’t believe it. I’d actually hurt his feelings.

Tags: Callie Rose Fallen University Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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