Dear Diary (Love, Daddy 7) - Page 31

Chapter 11


My skin sizzles as I taste her cum.

I lick and drink it down like it’s the antidote to a deadly poison. I lap and swallow before my eyes drift upward, watching. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot.

“Good girl.” I clench my teeth tight to keep my own cock under control. My balls are ready to heave but I’ll save my cum for her from now on. My own hand will never quench the thirst she’s created in me.

She's gasping, her sweet, soft body in spasms as I stand, turn and step back. Her knees are open and high, her feet dangling in the air.

“Don’t move,” I tell her as her climax begins to subside and her knees start to fall together. “Keep your legs right there.” I can’t believe how much fun it is just watching her.

Her panties off. Her clothes still on. God, I can only imagine the pleasure she will give me when I finally fuck her.

My throat is dry. My cock is so hard the skin stretches painfully around the blood-filled shaft. I feel the twisting veins that wrap around throb.

I step around my desk and roll my chair in front of her to sit. I reach down and adjust myself trying to find a more comfortable position for my relentless hard-on, but it fails.

Chastity turns her head to the side, peering at me with tousled hair stuck to her cheek.

Her eyes widen as she sees me sitting there, watching her. She pushes onto her elbows, shifting preparing to sit up.

I roll my chair forward, gripping her ankles and shove her bent knees back wide, placing her back into the position I told her to hold. Her asshole and pussy lips exposed, all for me.

I release her legs and lean back into my chair. “Stay, I said.”


She fidgets, and her thighs quiver as she holds the uncomfortable position.

For me.

Her obedience is a salve to my ache. It’s her way of telling me she is mine.

“Stay.” My voice is like a whip in the room, but Chastity eyes are still searching, waiting for me to answer her ‘why?’. “I don’t always give explanations.”

I stand, moving to her. This time, I pull her ankles high up in the air with my right hand, and with my left hand I bring down my open hand onto her ass hard.

She cries out as the smack resounds in my office. She squirms and tries to pull back.

I smack her again, my jaw hard, then drive my middle finger into her sopping pussy, feeling her resistance tighten around it. The proof that she will give me the pure gift of her virginity has need ripping through me like a rusty razor.

“Ow.” Her back arches, lashes fluttering, and I’m about to lose my mind. “Daddy.”

The whisper of my name is a binding. Her walls clasp around my digit as I press my thumb to her hard nub and circle until her desire peaks. Her orgasm rocks her harder than the first, her cries rising to the ceiling then tumbling back down as I memorize every sound and nuance.

When she’s panting, her eyes unfocused, I pull my finger out, place it to her lips as she opens without command and sucks it clean.

“I said stay,” I repeat, calm and resolute.

There are tears at the corners of her eyes as her chest rises and falls with gulps of air, but she nods. “Yes, Daddy. Sorry, Daddy.”

“There is one more thing you will remember to say. Especially when I let you come. Thank you, Daddy.”

She nods. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“That’s my good girl.”

I release her ankles and sit back down. I fill my lungs until they burn, holding my breath, trying to stop time because I want to live in this moment. This joy.

When I can’t bear it anymore, I unbuckle my belt, unbutton, unzip and free my dick.

She can’t see me. Her thighs block her view of my face. All I can see are her full, ripe young hips, her pussy coated with her juices.

I stroke my cock trying to calm the need for just a moment. “I want nothing more than to rip your pussy open with my cock. Feel that warm honey that’s spilling out of you drip down my balls…let that cunt mold itself to the only dick it will ever know. It will take shape around me, exist to please me.”

She shivers and I see her pussy clench.

Her legs begin to tremble from the strain of holding them up. Her hips jiggle.

She clutches the backs of her thighs to hold the position.

Her struggle to obey my commands pleases me to my core. Power pulses through me and I want more.

Her silky liquid arousal spills from her opening and down her crack, pooling on the desk below. My mouth is dry as I watch a drop fall in a shimmering line onto the slick, black surface as she looks like a sacrifice resigned to her fate.

Tags: Dani Wyatt Love, Daddy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024