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Keeping Gemma (Holiday Cove 2)

Page 16

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Henry took a step toward me. “Rosen, I’m trying to be the nice guy here. I’m only offering something you want—in exchange for something I want. That’s just good business.”

I dragged my eyes back to his, sickened further at the amused look still lingering there. “Business, huh?” I looked past him to Talia as she stood from the couch. “I didn’t realize you were a simple commodity. You struck me as the kind of woman who would have her own voice.”

Talia cut a glance at Henry, who stared back at her with steely eyes, and she backed down.

“I think it’s time for you both to leave.” I pointed at the open doorway a second time. “Now.”

Henry jerked his chin at Talia and she followed as he strode out into the hallway. I followed behind, prepared to escort them until the tires on their car were off my driveway. “So, this is a good spot?”

Talia turned to look at him, and I caught a flick of her eyes back in my direction. “From what I saw, yes.”

Every instinct wanted to demand what they were talking about, but I kept my mouth shut, and my jaw clenched tight.

At the door to the museum, Henry stopped short and turned back to me. He extended his hand, wanting me to play along, but I didn’t bite. His extended arm held for a second, and then he dropped it back by his side with a huff. “I’m sure we’ll be in touch soon.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary. My answer won’t change.”

Talia stepped forward and snaked an arm around Henry before offering me her hand, palm down. It was extended for me to kiss the back of her hand. An offer that I declined.

“Good afternoon to you both,” I said, pulling open the glass door.

They both went out into the lot, without so much as a glance back, and to any onlookers, whatever business we had shared appeared to be concluded. Still, the twisting in my gut told me that wasn’t the last time I’d see them.

I didn’t know what kind of game Henry was playing, but I got the feeling that whatever it was, it was far from over.


“How’d it go?” Lana asked, hustling to catch up with me once Henry and Talia had departed. “Are they here to build a resort?”

I kept walking. “No.”

At least, not as long as I had something to say about it. The boost in tourism didn’t matter to me. I wasn’t going to help line that man’s pockets.

“That’s too bad…well, I mean, I know the people that live here will be relieved, but for us, a resort like the one in Stallion Bay could really make a difference!” Lana babbled on as she did her best to match my long strides. “What happened on the flight? You were gone longer than I’d expected…”

“Lana!” I barked. “Enough! That little shit show just cost me half a day, and I have work to do. Hold my calls.”

She stopped walking and I stormed off, mad at myself for losing my patience with her.

Inside my office, I slammed the door closed and threw myself down on the leather couch. I pressed my eyes closed and drew in a long breath. “What the fuck was that all about?” I asked myself, my mind still rampant with possibilities.

Had Talia been a prostitute all along? Had she been lying when she said she didn’t know me? Was there some other reason she was helping Henry? And why—why the hell—did he care so much about a fucking plane?

None of it made any sense and trying to figure it out was only bringing on a nasty stress headache.

I pushed off the couch and stormed back out of the office. I needed fresh air and a massive dose of caffeine. There was one place that could provide both.

Twenty minutes later, I stepped inside Carly’s coffee shop and heard her call out a greeting from somewhere in the back. When she appeared at the counter, her smile went wide. “Hey there, handsome. It’s been a while.”

I grinned back at her. Carly and I had known each other for some time and, although we’d never taken our relationship further than the flirtations over the coffee shop counter, she always managed to make me feel like her favorite customer. “Afternoon gorgeous. Whatcha got cooking back there? Something smells good.”

She laughed. “I’m glad you can only smell it. Let’s just say it was a batch of banana bread gone wrong.”

“You always say that,” I teased. “Come on, let me try some. I’ll be the judge.”

She considered my request for a moment before hurrying around the corner into the kitchen. She returned with a slice of still steaming bread. I popped a piece into my mouth and immediately gagged.

Carly erupted into giggles and poured me a big glass of water. “Told ya so,” she said, passing it over.

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