Keeping Gemma (Holiday Cove 2) - Page 31

That was Boomer.

All diplomacy and class—unlike me.

Jack released my shoulder from his grip and turned toward Gemma, offering her a smile and a handshake. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Ma’am?” Gemma wrinkled her nose and then giggled, the soft sound worked its way over me, and I realized it was the first time I’d heard her laugh. It was a sound I could get used to. Especially given my circumstances. “Gemma Henderson. I’m a trauma nurse here at the hospital. And, currently in charge of your buddy here.”

“Thank you,” Jack said, still smiling.

Gemma came to my side and checked the numbers on the screen over my shoulder and then looked at the IV bag that was dripping medicine and fluids into my system on a slow drip. “Everything looks good. How do you feel? Any discomfort? Pain?”

I shook my head. In truth, I’d been aching for the last half an hour, but I found myself wanting to feel the pain. I was already numb enough. And I was higher than a kite. A feeling I didn’t like.

“All right,” Gemma said, giving me another appraising look over. “Well, Mr. McGuire, feel free to stay as long as you’d like. I’ll make sure they leave you alone when they round up the other visitors.”

Jack smiled and gave a friendly nod. “Thank you.”

“He was actually just leaving,” I interjected. “Pastry run.”

Gemma laughed. “I see. The hospital fare not quite cutting it?”

“Not even a little,” I teased, feeling more like myself than I had thus far. “I have particular tastes.”

Gemma flushed slightly and nodded. “Right. Well, as always, let me know if you need anything. Mr. McGuire, a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for your service to our country.”

“Of course. And thank you, for taking care of Player, here. I know he can be a handful. Hopefully, he hasn’t been giving you too much trouble.”

“I’m right fuckin’ here, McGuire.”

Gemma laughed and ducked out of the room with a final glance back at me, her eyes bright and shining.


As promised, Holly returned an hour or so later, two huge pastry boxes in hand. After letting me take my pick of the stacks of treats, they took the rest out to the nurse’s station to be divvied up around the night shift crew as the evening sun began to set.

“Carly told you to get better soon,” Holly told me, taking a seat by my feet before biting into a croissant. “She said she’ll be by to harass you tomorrow morning.”

“As long as she brings me an almond spice latte.”

Holly laughed and nodded. “Naturally.”

“Where’s Jack?”

She swallowed her bite forcefully, licking the corner of her mouth before answering, “He went up to the museum to see how things are going. Have you heard anything?”

I shook my head. “I don’t have a phone.”

“Right.” Holly chewed her lower lip nervously.

Jack strode into the room a few minutes later, and behind him, following like a duckling, was Lana. She burst into loud, ugly tears as soon as she crossed the threshold, and the expressions on Jack and Holly at her outburst made it hard to keep a straight face. “Oh my gosh! Mr. Rosen!”

I rolled my eyes as she wrapped me in a gentle embrace. “Lana, it’s okay. Relax.”

She shuddered as her sobs poured out and I pat her back. When she finally pulled away, she took a few steps back and sucked in a deep breath. “I’m sorry…I just…” She didn’t finish her thought before dissolving into tears again. Holly—still looking confused—ran around to comfort her.

“How are things up at the museum?” I asked, looking at Jack, as Lana clearly wasn’t going to answer—her wails only getting louder.

Jack tore his questioning gaze from Lana and Holly and leveled his eyes with mine. “There are some agents from the Federal Aviation Administration up at the museum, asking questions, looking around,” he answered, lines of worry creasing around his eyes.

I groaned and dropped my head back on the pile of pillows behind me. “That’s just great. I’m sure all my staff will love being interrogated by the FAA. They weren’t even there when it happened!”

“I know. I’m not sure how much info they’re gonna get, but you know the drill, they have to ask their questions, get the scope of the situation. You know, just doing their job.”

Just what I needed. I couldn’t wait to get back to a mountain of government paperwork and red tape.

I’d be lucky if they didn’t shut me down until the investigation was over.

“I’m sure they’ll be over to interview you soon enough,” Jack added.

Lana blew her nose as loud as a cannon going off and jerked everyone’s attention back to her. “Mr. Rosen, I’m so glad you’re all right. When I heard about the crash, I—I thought—” she buried her face into Holly’s shoulder before she could continue.

I rolled my eyes. It was no secret that Lana had harbored a long-term crush on me, but even considering that her reaction was over the top.

Tags: K.B. Winters Holiday Cove Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024