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Puck Drills & Quick Thrills (CU Hockey 5)

Page 43

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“Friendly?” I hum my disagreement.

“Yep. I knocked before entering, brought you coffee, complimented your jacket … speaking of things that should be burned immediately, where is the tweed today?”

“I don’t think you used speaking of correctly.”

“No, I definitely did. But speaking of things that are just plain wrong—”

“If you bring up my jacket again—” I warn.

“Those leather elbow patches really get me going.”

“I don’t have elbow patches, you little shit.”

“Damn. Well, you should. It’s literally the only way you could get any sexier.”

“But then how will anyone else stand a chance?” And sure, I’m joking around with him, but I’m confused. West is flirting. I’m not an idiot. So where the hell does his grand friends plan play into this? Is he only teasing me? Does he want to hook up because he’s been drinking? Would I care if he did and that was the only reason? This overthinking is driving me crazy.

I tap him on the thigh. “Gotta hit the head.”

West slides out of the booth, and I feel three stares on me as I walk away.

I don’t know what Dave was thinking. He knows I like this guy, and I’m trying to be mature and whatever about this, so sure, why not invite him over? I take a piss, and even as I’m telling myself I’ll head out in a few minutes, I’m pretty sure my words are bullshit.

If West is on board for round three, I’m going to go there, feelings be damned. I’ll deal with those another day.

As I’m washing my hands, the door swings open and West walks in.

His eyes meet mine in the mirror, and he holds my stare as he walks toward me. “Hiding?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Maybe for the same reason you’ve been weird around me all day.”

I switch off the water and turn to face him. “I haven’t been weird.”

“Oh really?” He steps closer so we’re chest to chest. “Touch me, then.”

“That doesn’t prove anything.” I swallow, desperately wanting to though. “In fact, I think it would be weirder for me to grope you in a public place than it would be if I didn’t.”

He laughs. “Always with sex on your mind.”

“Well …” I pointedly look down at him. “What am I supposed to think about with you here?”

West’s fingers brush mine. He takes my hand and lifts it, resting it on his shoulder. “Look, now you’re touching me.”

“Not how I want to be.” I don’t mean to say that, but damn, I can’t help myself with him. My thumb strokes up his throat, resting over his pulse point, and West leans into me.

“You’ve already had two freebies,” he says.

“What does that mean?”

“That means … I’m not a manwhore anymore. I want to do this right. Take me on a date.”

I start at the word. “A date?”

“I have standards. Now anyway. Not so much before.”

“You want me … to take you on a date.”

West chuckles softly and leans closer. “Did I break you?”

“I don’t understand. Why?”

“Because that’s usually the first step when you want to start dating someone.”

He wants to date me? I’m struggling to comprehend more than I should be. “Didn’t you say you wanted to be friends?”

“We are friends, but I also want to date you, so why can’t we do both?”

“West …” I lean closer, lips brushing his. “You’re not playing with me?”

“That part comes later.” His warm breath hits my mouth. “But first …”



I restrain myself by giving him the softest kiss ever. “Okay.”

“And no pressure, but this will be my first official one ever. Post-game hotel hookups and house parties don’t count.”

“Agreed.” They so don’t count. Not for West. I want to show him that he’s worth so much more than that.

“Where are you going to take me?” West asks.

“Wait, now? Like right now?”

“If we’re going to date, we’re going to have to get used to quick thrills and getting together last-minute.”

How do you make something special for someone who’s lived the life he has? He used to be able to have anyone and do anything. It’s different for him now, but that makes it feel more important. With such limited time off, I need to make it worth it.

No pressure?


None at all.



I drag Jasper back to his friends long enough to tell them we’re leaving.

Dave looks way too happy about that. His mouth opens, but Jasper cuts him off and points at him.

“Not a word.”

“Have fun, guys,” Greg says.

On our way out, I press my hand to Jasper’s lower back and lean in. “I like your friends. Dave is hilarious.”

“Don’t ever tell him you think that, or it will go to his head, and it’s already big enough.”

“I can totally see that.” We reach the freezing cold outside, and I turn to him. “Your car or mine? Mine’s still on campus, so it means a short walk.”

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