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Claiming Holly (Holiday Cove 1)

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Among my musings, the loudest question was wondering why on earth I’d been in such a hurry to get away from him. Had I been single so long I was reverting back to the high school version of myself? Painfully shy, intimidated, and awkward? I cringed at the thought, but it was my best theory and very hard to argue against, based on my encounter with Jack on the beach.

Maybe Rachel was right. I needed to get out more.



“Where you been?” Aaron asked, when I entered the corner of the hanger where he had built his office. He’d been asleep when I’d taken Princess out for a run, and was now sitting at his desk, coffee in hand, and from the look on his face, still not quite caffeinated enough.

“Went out for a run. Damn, I’d forgotten how hard it is to run on sand. My legs are gonna hate me tomorrow.”

Aaron laughed. “Don’t go getting soft on me, Boomer. First you turn me down to go out last night, now you can’t run the beach without bitchin’.” He shook his head with mock disappointment.

“Newsflash Rosen, we’re not twenty-one anymore.”

“Ain’t that a shame.”

I chuckled. “Yes and no. You and I both know we did some stupid shit when we were twenty-one.”

A knowing grin tugged at Aaron’s mouth. “Yeah, but damn if it wasn’t fun.”

I couldn’t argue. “Hey, listen, you know any girl’s named Holly from around here?” I asked, keeping my tone neutral as I crossed the hangar where Aaron had a coffee bar stocked. I poured my cup and took extra time fussing with it, not wanting to see the look on Aaron’s face.

“Holly?” He repeated. “Tell me more. What’s she look like? You know, sometimes I don’t get their names.”

I rolled my eyes. “You know what, never mind. Forget I asked.”

“Come on, man, don’t be like that. Just tell me.”

I sighed and turned around, coffee mug in hand, and leaned back against the counter. “She was tall, like 5’8, 5’9. Blonde hair, brown eyes, nice legs…”

Aaron scoffed. “You do realize that describes ninety percent of the women around here?”

I stared at my coffee. “Right.”

“Oh come on, Boomer. Don’t get all butt hurt on me. We’ll go out tonight to this bar I know, Harvey’s, it’s always stocked with hot chicks.”

Aaron had tried to convince me to go out with him to chase tail the night before, and I’d turned him down. Insisting that I hadn’t come to visit to score half a dozen chicks.

I just wanted some peace and quiet before I’d embark on my third WestPac thousands of miles from home. All of which was still true, but there was something about seeing Holly, running down the beach toward me, her golden hair flying out behind her and the relieved look when she finally caught up to her renegade pup. Something more than just her long, shapely legs or the way her t-shirt clung to her nice tits as she panted to catch her breath.

Well, maybe that was part of it.

I looked up and found myself in Aaron’s calculating crosshairs. “All right, fine. I’ll go.”

He pumped his fist in victory and let out a low whoop. “Let me finish up here and then I’m gonna make you my bitch for the day. I gotta couple errands to run and need someone to come with me.”

“Or, I could stay here, drink coffee, relax. You know, I’m on leave man, have some respect.”

Aaron only grinned wider. “Don’t be a pussy, Boomer. Where we’re going will be way more fun than coffee.”

I cocked an eyebrow at him. “I just got a call about a World War Two fighter and I gotta get down to the auction and put in a bid before someone else gets it.”

I nodded approvingly. “Sounds like it could be cool.”

“You bet your ass it’ll be cool. If it looks anything even close to the pics I saw online, it’s gonna be the best find of the year and it’s only April!” He pumped his fist once again and turned back to his computer screen. I smiled at him as he went back to work, a deep sense of relief spreading through me, knowing that my friend had not only found his way back to civilian life, but he was thriving in it.

I could only hope that when it was my turn, I’d find something to retire to that made me just as excited.

After a very successful day at the auction, Aaron walked away the proud new papa to two new planes and was in the mood to celebrate. He was practically giddy when we made our way into Harvey’s Bar and Grill that night for dinner and drinks. The entire ride over, he’d alternated between gushing about his new planes to talking about some of his past encounters with women he’d met at Harvey’s. From his point of view, it was the place to go if you wanted to kick back and have some fun.

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