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Claiming Holly (Holiday Cove 1)

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I shook my head, still not fully understanding what he meant. “Why does it matter? I mean, we didn’t even know each other until yesterday, other than a couple of coincidental run-ins—that were awkward, at best.”

“I don’t know.” He sighed. “I really don’t know. That day, when I was running on the beach, I saw you sitting here, at this table, and couldn’t take my eyes off you. I swear, I almost tripped in the sand. Then, when you came haulin’ ass after me, with your hair all crazy and your skin flushed…”

I ducked my chin, dropping my gaze to the table.

“I just wanted to get to know you. That’s why I was so distracted when you showed up at Harvey’s.” He laughed. “Trust me, that girl you saw me with was not happy when she saw how I looked at you.”

“Really?” I asked, laughing softly.

Jack nodded. “I get that this is the worst timing, but I like hangin’ out with you, Holly. I know you’re only here for another week or so, but I’d like to get to know you more. I figured if you knew I’d be deployed for six months, you’d either think I was just looking for a quick piece of ass—or that even if I was legit—it wouldn’t be worth it to try since I’ll be gone.”

Carly came out the side door with two plates, balanced together on one arm. She set them down, one in front of each of us, and gave me a wink before she started back to her shop. I blushed and took an extra moment before looking back at Jack. His eyes were deep and intense, waiting for my response to his news. I wanted to say it would all be okay, that something would work out, but I couldn’t.

“I appreciate you telling me everything. I understand why you didn’t bring it up yesterday. I had a lot of fun with you too, and obviously, my dog is obsessed with yours,” I stopped, and we shared a laugh, “But, I’m not really sure I’m ready to date, period, much less get involved with someone in the military. I’ve been down that road once before, and I got burned. Bad. I’m not in a hurry to throw myself back into that life.”

Jack nodded, his posture and expression understanding, but a flash of sadness in his eyes gave him away. “No worries. What about friends? Can we try that?”

My heart hammered in my chest, and I couldn’t determine whether I was relieved or disappointed by his reaction. I hadn’t rejected him simply to see if he would try harder to convince me, but the lack of fierceness surprised me. Especially after he had been so adamant the day before when inviting me to Sunset Bay.

He was waiting for an answer, and I nodded, offering him the best smile I could muster. “Yeah. I’d like that.”

After we finished our confections and coffee, I went inside to pay—reminding Jack of the deal we’d made the day before—and Carly was standing behind the counter with a cat that ate the canary grin.

“Where’d you find him?” She asked, her smile only growing.

I smiled and followed her gaze out the window to where Jack was squatting down next to Princess and Hunter, giving them attention. “On the beach.”

“Well damn, that’s better than a seashell collection!”

I laughed and nodded, not wanting to break it to my new cheerleader that it wasn’t going to be anything that lasted.

I paid the tab and as I was leaving, Carly called after me, “Get it girl! That hunk oughtta get you out of your funk!” As I opened the door, I heard her mumble something about being a poet and just smiled.



Keeping my hands off of Holly was damn near impossible. After leaving her rental the night before, I’d kicked myself for not going in and taking the kiss I’d been dying for all afternoon.

I’d planned on having that kiss the following evening.

But after our conversation at the coffee shop, that was ruined as well. There would be no kiss. I’d been pushed into the friend zone, and I didn’t have enough time to change that.

Even though my true intentions toward Holly were sidelined, it was nice to spend another afternoon together. After coffee, we walked around town and checked out the shops. As we wandered, I gleaned more information about her, finding her more open to share details of her life now that the romantic pressure was off.

Or at least it was on her side of things.

I was even more drawn to her after a day spent talking and joking around, talking about our jobs, our friends, hobbies, and pet peeves. Holly was the perfect mix of character traits.

When the sun started to go down, we’d made our way back to her beach house to drop off the few bags of purchases she’d made. Most of it is the typical tourist stuff: a bottle of sand with seashells, a sterling silver necklace with a starfish charm, a few containers of sea salt scrubs, candles, and a new pair of sandals. I laughed to myself as we unpacked the bags on her couch.

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