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Claiming Holly (Holiday Cove 1)

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I laughed. “I’ll do my best, but I’d be lying if I said any of it is gonna make sense. I got very, very lucky.”

The General was still smiling, but he shook his head. “McGuire, give yourself some credit. What you did wasn’t some accident. That was a calculated attack, with incredibly high risk to your own safety.”

I ducked my chin, not wanting to argue with him. “I’d be more than happy to help in any way I can, sir.”

“Good to hear it. We’re going to get you on the first flight out of here, and we’ll do the debriefing at our checkpoint in Turkey.”

“Yes, sir. I’d like to get back to my boat, sir.”

“Well, McGuire, I don’t think that’s gonna happen. You’re a hero.”

‘Thank you, sir. I was just doing my job.”

“No, son, thank you.”

A few hours later, the sun was setting, and I watched from behind the glass in the commander in chief’s office in the base in Turkey. Even though an entire night and half of a day had passed, I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I existed in some kind of dreamlike state. All of the events that had transpired had felt very real at the moment. I’d felt every jolt of adrenaline, every slamming heartbeat, and ripple of terror.

After commandeering a military plane and getting my freedom, all I wanted to do was get on a plane back to the states. After all of the questions had been asked and answered, there was one remaining thought, and that was getting back to Holly as fast as possible.

I turned at the sound of the door opening and saluted at the General’s entrance. He’d traveled with me to Turkey and had been part of the panel of officers that had questioned me about the events since my plane went down.

“At ease, McGuire.” He crossed and looked out over the landscape I’d been studying. “The panel is satisfied with the information and we thank you for your tireless explanations. We’ve been in communication with your Commander aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, and we’ll be sending you stateside first thing in the morning.

“Sir?” I choked at the order. It was more than I’d even hoped for.

He smiled as though he knew how welcome the words were to my ears. And to my heart. “You’ll be back in California tomorrow.”

My heart thumped out a triumphant beat and I tensed my jaw to keep my emotions in check. “Thank you, sir,” I finally grit out.

He clapped me on the shoulder, nodded, and started back toward the door. “Come with me and we’ll get you bunked up for the night. I’m sure a proper meal and a good night's sleep will be a welcome change.”

I laughed. “I’ll never complain about the standard issue pillows again. That’s for sure.”

The General roared with laughter as we headed out into the hall.

“I do have a request though, General,” I said as we rounded a corner.

“Of course.”

“Any way I can make a phone call?”

The General turned and smiled. “That can be arranged. Let’s get you set up and then I’ll get you to a phone.”

I was surprised to be given an entire room to myself. It was an honor usually reserved for only the highest-ranking officials. In some ways, I would have almost preferred to be in a room full of other men. I knew they’d ask a million questions and keep me up, but after three days alone in the desert, it would’ve been nice to have some company.

I showered and changed into a pair of loose athletic shorts and a PT shirt that the General had gathered for me. I smiled as I looked at the shirt in the mirror on the bathroom wall. It was identical to the one I’d stashed in Holly’s luggage before she’d left Holiday Cove. And the one she’d been wearing in the picture that was still burned into my mind. All at once, I was grateful to have a room to myself. Especially when a Sergeant brought me a phone and let me know to take as long as needed.

Holly answered on the third ring, and my heart flew into a frenzy at the sweet sound of her voice as she said, “Hello?”

“Holly.” I pressed my eyes shut tight, the emotion and strain finally catching up to me. With her on the other end of the line, I could finally relax and began to shed the stress and ragged feeling that had gripped me since that second missile had hit my jet.

“Jack?” Her voice was thick with emotion and I would have sold my soul to be able to see her face, to touch her hair, to kiss her perfect lips.

“It’s me, baby.” The sound of a strangled sob wracked over me and twisted my insides. “I’m okay, honey. I’m coming home.”

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