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Chasing Carly (Holiday Cove 3)

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Unable to help myself, I pressed into her, pushing myself against her. Carly pulled back a fraction of an inch, her eyes wide and a deeper blue than the midnight blue ocean behind her. I dropped my mouth to her ear and nipped at the soft lobe. “That’s how much I want you, Carly,” I growled into her ear.

I didn’t give her a chance to respond, dragging her lips back to mine and getting another taste.

The pier, with its loud music, laughing crowds, and sweet and salty treats faded to black.

It was me and Carly.

This was it.

This was all that mattered.



* * *

A voice pulled me from the fog, and in the back of my mind, I yelled at it to go away. But as the voice grew nearer and louder, I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

“Carly! Nick! Check this out!”

I was in Nick’s arms, his lips inches from mine, and my entire body was on fire with wanting him. “Shit,” I whispered. Nick pulled back and smiled.

“God you guys, get a freakin’ room,” Alesha groaned.

“I’m game if you are,” Nick growled into my ear.

I pulled away from him, shooting him my best dirty look—no easy feat considering seconds before, I’d been so lost in his kisses I hadn’t realized—or cared—we were on a public pier, going at it like wild animals at the peak of mating season. “What did you say, Leash?”

“Check this out,” she said, grinning from ear to ear as she hoisted up a small puppy. It was some kind of terrier mix, a marbled blend of black and brown speckled through short, wiry fur. It wriggled in her hands, lunging as best as it could to get at her face with its tiny pink tongue.

I reared back. “What the—?”

“Isn’t she the sweetest?” Alesha gushed, holding the puppy close enough that it was finally able to lap at her face.

I shook my head, trying to clear it like an old Etch-a-Sketch. What was happening? Ten seconds ago, I was locked into the hottest kiss of my life, and now, I stared at a puppy.

“Where did she come from?” Nick asked, reaching to stroke the tiny furball’s head.

Alesha jerked her chin over her left shoulder. “There was a guy with a box of them by the ticket booth.”

“And…he forced you at gunpoint to take one? What the hell, girl? You can’t just pick up a puppy from some carny!”

“Why not?”

Nick laughed and I shot him a dirty look. “Not helping.”

“She’s cute,” Alesha said.

“Oh, well then case closed,” I replied, my voice thick with sarcasm. “Alesha, you can’t even take care of yourself. Why on earth would you think you could take care of a puppy?”

Alesha’s eyes darkened as she turned them on me. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of her.”

I shook my head. “Come on, we’ve got to hurry if we’re going to get her back to her owner,” I tugged at Alesha’s sleeve.

She planted her feet and cradled the puppy to her chest. “No, Carly, this is my puppy now.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh really? And what’s Dad going to say about that? I’m pretty sure Kelli isn’t going to be okay with having a puppy around to piss all over her designer duds, and I’m sure as hell not getting roped into keeping her if—no, when—Dad says no.”

Alesha looked down at the puppy and my heart broke. Why did I have to keep being the bad guy?

“I’ll take her,” Nick said. “If your dad says no.”

I shot him a puzzled look. “Nick, you don’t have to do that.”

He shrugged. “I know.”

Alesha stared up at him like he was the hero in a Disney movie and all I could do was sigh. “All right, fine. But if the little beast gets into my stuff, you’re the one who’s gonna be on the hook for the damages,” I warned Alesha, doing my best to keep my face stony as the puppy lunged for me, it’s tongue lolling in my direction.

“She likes you,” Alesha said, holding the puppy closer.

I took the wiggling ball from her and let it lick my face. “All right, all right.”

Alesha took her back and nodded. “I’ll keep her out of your stuff. I promise.”

“God, I’m such a sucker,” I muttered to myself.

Nick dropped an arm around my waist and pulled me close as we headed back down the pier to the parking lot where his truck was waiting.

After dropping Alesha and the newly crowned Lady off at the house, Nick and I lingered on the front porch. “Seems a little early to call it a night,” he said, his hands wandering down my goose bumped arms.

I nodded. “I’d invite you to stay, but…”

“I know. I totally understand.” I wished he didn’t understand. He was too perfect. Too much of a gentleman. And I was falling. And now was not the time.

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