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Just One Chance (The Kingston Family 3)

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“Me, too.” Her mom squeezed her back, speaking softly in her ear. “I know I’m hard on you but I just want great things for you.” She smoothed her hand over Sasha’s hair. “And Rebecca has big things to talk to you about. All our dreams are coming true.”

Sasha winced at that, but she wasn’t going to fight with her mother right before she said goodbye. “I know, Mom. Have a safe trip and enjoy your time with friends.”

Sasha’s mother slid her arm into Jared’s, who appeared uncomfortable. He glanced at Sasha. “I’ll meet you two at your trailer.” He pinned his gaze on Xander. “Don’t leave her side,” he said, then walked her mother to the exit.

“What was that all about? Did something happen while I was out?” Xander asked.

Knowing he’d lose his mind, she prepared herself, then went into detail about the crew member who had latched on to her mom and claimed he and Sasha went way back.

“And you don’t remember him at all?” he asked, then clenched his jaw tight.

“No. Jared will do a sweep looking for him after he gets my mother off safely.” And since she was with Xander and had a guard at her door, she felt protected. “I told Cassidy we could get dinner together and catch up.”


“I—” She cut herself off before she could snap back that he couldn’t tell her what to do and drew a deep breath instead. His worry was genuine.

Xander placed a hand on her back. “Cassidy can come to my apartment for dinner. The last thing we need is another incident with you two out in public. Cassidy got lucky on Saturday night. I don’t want to tempt fate. Or the stalker,” he muttered. “I’ll even make myself scarce so you two can be alone to talk.”

She smiled. “You can hide out in your office and work. No need to go anywhere.”

He let out a relieved breath. “Okay, we’re in agreement. Good. Now, I want to get you out of here. Where’s Cassidy?”

“Over there,” she said, pointing to her standing beside her security guard.

A few minutes later, she and Cassidy were in her trailer, where Sasha washed off her makeup and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She explained the wisdom of ordering in dinner instead of going out and Cassidy agreed.

Then they met up with Xander and their respective security details and headed to Xander’s apartment for dinner.

An hour or so later, Xander took Bella for a long walk, while Sasha and Cassidy ordered in a cheap dinner of Chipotle burrito bowls.

“This is so good,” Sasha said, taking another spoonful, and Cassidy agreed.

“I needed a chill night like this.” She patted her mouth with a napkin and leaned back against her seat with a sigh.

At a glance, to a stranger, Cassidy appeared fine. To Sasha, who knew her well, she took in the light circles under her eyes, and she narrowed her gaze.

“Are you really okay?” Sasha pushed aside the food she hadn’t yet finished and focused on her friend.

“I admit I’m still shaken up from the attack.” She met Sasha’s gaze. “I didn’t want you to add worrying about me to everything already on your plate.”

“That’s ridiculous! You’re my best friend. Practically my sister. You matter, Cass. What can I do to help? Do you want to go home to Adam? I already told you that you can work from home. I don’t mind at all.” Anything to make Cassidy feel better and safe.

She shook her head. “The asshole broke up with me on Friday. By text.”

“After all the years you were together, that’s how he ends things?” Sasha was horrified and angry for her friend. “I’m going to kill him.”

Cassidy gave her a half smile. “I appreciate that. I was going to tell you when I saw you on Saturday but … things happened.”

“How upset are you? On a scale from one to ten?”

“Three? And that’s the part I don’t understand.” She leaned forward, one hand under her chin. “I think with all the travel, we drifted apart and neither one of us did anything to stop it. Maybe we didn’t care enough?”

“Oh, I think you cared plenty. It’s just that, yes, sometimes people drift. Or they come into each other’s lives for a purpose, and when that need is served, you move on.” Sasha lifted her shoulders. “I’m just glad you aren’t heartbroken.”

“I’m not,” Cassidy murmured. “I’m glad we never moved in together. Another sign things weren’t meant to be.”

Sasha knew Axel and Cassidy’s parents died in a car accident when they were young. Their grandmother raised them until she passed away when Axel was eighteen. He’d always felt responsible for his sister, and Cassidy had sometimes felt stifled by his overprotective nature and just wanted to live her life.

Sasha wondered now if Adam had been Cassidy’s way out of being under her brother’s constant scrutiny. She didn’t want to upset her friend by asking.

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