Gone for You (Wild Side 1) - Page 4

Jeff went to get his bag, and Matt wrapped an arm around him. “Thanks, Ollie. I knew you wouldn’t mind. Sorry I forgot to ask you. It’s okay, right? I mean, if not, Jeff and I can probably find a hotel or something…”

A hotel? What the fuck was that about? Matt was supposed to stay with him. “What? No, it’s fine. No problem.” Oliver’s muscles were tight as he spoke. His stomach rolled uncomfortably.

“Thanks. I appreciate it. I’ve been telling Jeff all about LA. He’s never been. I figured we could show him around, take him hiking and shit like that. It’ll be a blast. The more the merrier and all.”

Oliver tried not to groan. “Yeah, the more the merrier.” So much for one-on-one time with his best friend.

Six Years Earlier

Oliver was half-asleep when his phone rang. He rolled over in bed, eyes burning as he squinted so he could see. Jesus. It was three in the morning. Who the hell would be calling him this early?

He nearly knocked the phone off his nightstand before he managed to pick it up. When he did, he saw Matt’s name on the screen. “This better be good,” he said into the phone.

“It’s fucking fabulous is what it is. I just landed a modeling gig, Ollie. A good one. Can you believe it?”

Oliver sat up, a mixture of happiness and confusion fucking with his already tired mind. Matt had never once mentioned modeling. It hadn’t even been on his radar, yet he sounded happier than Oliver had heard him in years. “Wow…that’s…wow. That’s incredible.…It’s incredible, right?”

“Yeah! This is fucking big. I feel like I’m going to lose my mind here. I want to shout it from the rooftops; I did it, Oliver. I fucking did something for myself and you’re the first person I told. As soon as I found out all I could think was, I can’t wait to tell Oliver.”

Fuck. Oliver’s pulse started running a race. If he were a cartoon character, there would be floating hearts by his head right now. He was fucking crazy over this guy and it needed to stop.…But when Matt said shit like that to him? How in the hell could he put on the brakes?

“Thank you. I’m so proud of you. This is only the beginning. I know it.” And he did. Matt could do anything he set his mind to. If Matt decided he wanted to model instead of compose, Oliver was happy for him. “I can’t wait to celebrate with you.”

The line was quiet for a moment and Oliver knew exactly what it meant.

“I don’t think I can come…not right now. Maybe later in the year, though. There’s too much going on for me to get away.”

Oliver dropped his head back against the headboard. What Matt said made sense. It did. And he understood. This was Matt’s livelihood. He had to do what was best for his career but damn, he’d looked forward to seeing him. “I could try to come to you. It might not be next week because I didn’t plan for it but—”

“Yeah, yeah. That’d be cool. Maybe. Let’s talk later in the week, okay? I mean, if I’m busy with work I don’t know how much time I’ll have anyway. Maybe we could plan something in the next few months.”

This was only the beginning of canceled trips and Oliver knew it. Again, he understood. They had lives and responsibilities. It wasn’t like everyone got to fly across the United States to see their best friend every year, but damned if he didn’t think it would be different for him and Matt.

Just as he opened his mouth to respond, to tell Matt they’d been friends too long and they should find a way to see each other, a voice in the background stopped him. “Matt! What are you doing? I’m horny. I want my dick in your mouth before I fuck you. Get your ass back in here!”

Oliver felt like he was going to be sick. Not that he thought Matt wasn’t hooking up. Why shouldn’t he? He was a single, sexy-as-hell man. Plus, it wasn’t like Oliver was a virgin either. He got his. He doubted as often as Matt but he got it when he wanted it. But really…had he snuck out on a hookup to call him? Oliver wasn’t sure if he should be annoyed or feel special.

“Listen, I better go. I’ll call you soon, okay? And thanks for understanding, Oliver. I love you.”

He had no doubt Matt did love him. Matt had always loved him, only not in the same way Oliver felt for him.

He closed his eyes, wishing like hell Matty didn’t own such a big piece of landscape in his heart. “I love you, too.”

Four Years Earlier

Matt stood on the balcony of his agent, Parker’s, apartment—the party Parker had thrown for Matt buzzing around him. They’d been working together for about two years now, ever since Matt realized the guy who had supposedly scored him his initial modeling gig was nothing but a fraud who couldn’t deliver when it came to work but liked the idea of having a pretty boy on his arm. Matt had spent a few months being that man.

Tags: Riley Hart Wild Side Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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