Gone for You (Wild Side 1) - Page 17

He was a graphic designer. He lived in a nice building where Oliver actually found parking, which was a plus.

When he turned off the car, part of him wanted to turn it right back on and drive away.

He’s attractive…and nice…and I’m horny, he told himself and tried not to think about Matty at all. About the way his voice had lowered when he’d realized Oliver was going out or the light he saw in Matt’s eyes as he took in the pictures—the light he hadn’t seen in too damn long.

He looked at the address again on his phone to get Eddie’s apartment number. Oliver made his way to the building; the closer he got, the more he knew he’d made the right decision in coming.

See? Miles was wrong. He could go out and fuck when he wanted to. He wasn’t living in some fantasy world where he was sitting around and waiting for Matt. He was going to have a nice, quiet evening alone with a sexy man followed by a much-needed orgasm.

When Oliver got to apartment B12 he held up his fist and rapped on the door. It was only a few seconds later that he heard the locks turning and then…

“Hi. Oh. You’re not Eddie.”

The other man smiled. “Hi. I’m the roommate, Mike. Nice to meet you.” He held out his hand and Oliver shook it.

“You as well.”

Mike let him into the apartment. A dull annoyance tugged at Oliver, but he tried to ignore it. Why did it matter if Mike was here? It wasn’t like he should have to leave just because Eddie had a date over.

“Eddie’s in the kitchen,” Mike told him. They went through the living room which led into the small open-concept kitchen and dining room. Eddie stood at the stove mixing something in a pan.

He turned, his blue eyes bright and wide. “Hey. It’s good to see you.” Eddie walked over and gave him a hug. “Do you want some wine?”

“Sure,” Oliver replied before leaning against the counter as Eddie went back to the stove.

Mike grabbed a bottle, uncorked it, and pulled three wine glasses down.

They drank and the three of them talked while Eddie continued to cook. As time went on Oliver began feeling more and more ridiculous. It was obvious he’d been wrong about this date and what Eddie was looking for. Did he think Eddie would have sex with him if he wanted? Yeah, it was likely, but Oliver had been making excuses not to go out with him when it looked like Eddie might only be looking for a friend, anyway.

Story of his life.

When dinner was done, the three of them sat down to eat together. Eddie had made spaghetti and meatballs, which were good.

The three of them continued talking and laughing. Eddie and Mike kept the wine going, but Oliver cut himself off. He had never been much of a wine drinker. He could handle a glass or two but it stopped there. As the evening went on, he actually enjoyed the man’s company more than he’d expected. Which of course, made sense considering he was pretty sure Eddie wasn’t any more interested in Oliver than Oliver had thought he was interested in Eddie.

When they finished eating, they cleared the table. He and Eddie went to the couch to watch a movie and Mike excused himself to his bedroom.

They weren’t very far into the comedy before Eddie’s hand went to the back of his neck, his fingers running through Oliver’s light brown hair. “You look gorgeous tonight.”

Huh. Maybe he was wrong in his worry about tonight? Which was confusing even in his own head. “Thank you. So do you.”

He turned toward Eddie just as the other man’s lips came down on his. Oliver let Eddie kiss him, kissed him back but damned if he didn’t start thinking about postnasal drip, and visions of all the things Miles and Chance teased him about played like a movie in his brain.

It was a reflex to jerk back. Eddie’s eyes went wide. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

Jesus, Oliver. Get it the fuck together. You’re acting like a child. “Nothing.” Oliver smiled at him. “Come here,” he said, and Eddie leaned forward again.

Their lips had just touched when the fucking movie started in his head again and he imagined Eddie’s gurgle laugh in his ear and he really didn’t want the man’s tongue in his mouth.

As though Eddie heard him, he began to kiss his way down Oliver’s throat. “Your skin tastes good,” he said. “Do you want to go into the bedroom with me?”

No, he thought but instead said, “Yes.” Because it was sex and an orgasm, and it had been a long-ass time for him.

Plus, he wanted to prove to Miles and to himself he could hook up, and it didn’t matter if Matt was here or not.

Tags: Riley Hart Wild Side Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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