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Gone for You (Wild Side 1)

Page 21

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“I know that. Do you think I don’t? You’re a fucking catch. Any man would love to be with you,” Matt told him, and damned if those words didn’t warm up his insides. Fucking Matt and the effect he had on Oliver.

“Apparently I had two of those men chomping at the bit tonight,” he teased but Matt didn’t take the bait.

This felt good, just talking with Matt like this, spending time with him. Which is why he didn’t want to ruin it with talking about heavy shit. Unfortunately, that was the way Oliver worked and he’d drive himself crazy if he didn’t say what he wanted to say. “Have you told your parents you’re here? I know they’ll want to see you.”

Matt dropped his head back and looked up at the ceiling. Oliver saw his Adam’s apple bob when he swallowed. “What the fuck is wrong with me? I shouldn’t dread seeing my own parents.”

But Oliver knew he did. He didn’t completely understand why, but Matt always struggled with them. He had difficulty with most people. He didn’t open up too easily. He opened up more with Oliver than he used to with anyone else but still, it was always bits and pieces of whatever it was that went on inside Matt and not the full picture. “I can go with you,” Oliver offered, but before the words were out of his mouth, Matt was already shaking his head.

“No. I’m not a kid anymore. You don’t need to save me or protect me or take care of me.” Matt’s voice went harder, tougher. He pushed off the counter.

Um, what the fuck? “Hey, that’s not what I meant. I’m just trying to be a good friend.”

“I know.” Matt sighed. “I know you are. I’m not mad I’m just…an asshole, I guess. It’s my issue, not yours. I’m tired, I think I’m going to head to bed.” Matt walked to him, leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to Oliver’s forehead before pulling back and walking away.

Oliver’s eyelids closed. “Night, babe,” he said.

“Good night,” Matt replied before Oliver heard his footsteps move away…and then they paused. “You kept it,” Matt added softly. Somehow Oliver knew exactly what he was talking about.

“Yeah. My mom wanted to get rid of it when she had the house remodeled. I don’t know why I took the damn thing. It’s not as if I play it.” He was pretty sure they both knew he kept the piano because of Matt. Because it reminded him of Matt and if Matt ever wanted to play it, he wanted it to be there. But then, Matt didn’t need him to do things like that for him anymore, did he? If he was interested in playing, he could buy his own piano. The sad part was, he didn’t even know if Matt still loved music the way he used to.

“Thank you,” Matt replied quietly before walking away without waiting for Oliver to respond.

When he heard Matt on the stairs, Oliver opened his eyes and let out a heavy breath. Why was it this man got to him so much? He didn’t know why he was upset, but he was. He had absolutely no reason to be, so he wiped down the counter tops, turned off the lights, and headed upstairs. He took a quick shower before climbing under the beige comforter on his plush bed. Not a second later, his phone beeped. He knew exactly who it would be.

“Leave me alone, Miles,” he said instead of hello.

“You’re home, aren’t you? I knew you’d be home!”

“So? You’re home too.” At least he assumed Miles was.

Miles ignored his question. “Did you go out?”

“I did. I swear. Eddie thought it was a good idea for him and me to fuck his roommate, despite the fact that I haven’t even fucked him yet. Not my scene.”

“Ouch,” Miles replied. “Then I guess you’re excused. You know I only care about you, Oliver. I don’t want you to get hurt, and I don’t think Matt would ever hurt you on purpose. He’s not malicious but…”

“He doesn’t feel the same,” Oliver cut him off. “And I know you only care about me. That’s why I put up with you, but it’s been a long time. Just because I’m different from you and Chance doesn’t mean I’m the same kid I was. I’m not wearing my heart on my sleeve when it comes to Matt. Hell, I’m not even still tangled up in him the way I was. It’s just…he’s my friend and I missed him. It’s good to have him back, that’s all. I know what I’m doing.”

There was a short pause. Oliver clutched the phone and waited. “Okay. You’re right. Plus, I think I hit my emotional quota for a while anyway. I’ll go back to being a surly bastard now.”

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