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Pining For You (Jasper Falls 4)

Page 61

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“Have a good rest of the day,” she whispered, letting him off the hook.

Like a true coward, he accepted the out. “I’ll see you tonight.”

It wasn’t her age or innocence, but her kindness that shamed him. He was taking advantage of her, using her softness to fulfill a void that had been gaping inside of him for years. Maybe she was healing him, but no matter how much she might make him a better man, he’d never be the kind of man she deserved. He’d never be good enough for a woman with her gentle heart.

Soon, she’d realize that.

But, for now, he wanted her. And like many other things he possessed in his adult life, he couldn’t stop until he had her.

Love… that was something he knew nothing about, something she wouldn’t find no matter how deeply she dug under his surface. Until her, he had never known love could fill a house like furniture, tangible and comforting. And while it fascinated him to watch her act so lovingly with others, he didn’t have a clue how she did it.

Boundaries were good. They kept him in check and reminded him that everything had a shelf life. But even the most intentional lines started to blur after emotions got involved.

When he wasn’t around her, she was on his mind. And when they were together with Addison, they made a perfect picture, the sort a stranger might stop and stare at through a window.

But when they were alone, they were one. He spent what felt like lifetimes getting lost in her body, as if he could risk his own life for just one glimpse of her soul.

For seven days, everything was picture perfect. He should have known it wouldn’t stay that way forever. He should have guessed that eventually reality would intrude and spoil everything.


“No, this can’t be right.” Skylar scanned the grades. Each one was listed next to a student ID, and hers was the lowest on the email.

She rifled through her books and paperwork, making sure she had the correct ID. Sure enough, that was hers. “How is this possible?”

Her vision blurred with unshed tears of frustration. She needed to fix this before she fell apart. There was no way she could be flunking this class. She’d studied her butt off and done every assignment.

Shaking, she signed into the Home Access Center and investigated. Her unit project was a mid B. Her homework assignments all showed complete. Then she found the problem. Her first exam, the one she’d spent days preparing for, was destroying her average. How the hell had she scored a forty-eight? How had she not realized until now?

She let out a jagged breath and quickly emailed the professor, asking for more information. Her hands were trembling so severely, she had a difficult time typing. If she failed this class, she’d never get invited back.

Addison was still sleeping when she heard the front door open. Shutting her laptop, she wiped her eyes and tied back her hair. Rhett must have forgotten something because he typically didn’t sneak home until Addison’s nap time, and Skylar hadn’t even finished her first cup of coffee yet.

Usually, rendezvous with Rhett were the highlight of her days, but right now, she didn’t feel like seeing anyone. When she heard him enter the den, she again blotted her eyes but didn’t turn around, not wanting him to see her cry.

“I can’t today. I have some school stuff I need to handle.”

“Can’t what?”

Her gaze jerked to the doorway. “Erin.” It seemed too early for a visit from the Wicked Witch of the West. There must be low broom traffic today.

The PA hitched her designer bag higher on her shoulder. “Were you expecting someone else?”

She wiped her nose, shoving down any emotion and stood. “No, I was just… I thought you were…”

The woman eyed her from head to toe. Skylar hadn’t bothered to put on a bra that morning. With the fire burning, the house was warm, and she only wore shorts and a white camisole, which Rhett loved because he could see her nipples through the thin material. She now regretted her wardrobe choice.

“Is this how you walk around in your employer’s home?”

It was her home, too. Skylar picked up her laptop, since it was the only thing within reach and clutched it to her chest. “I wasn’t expecting anyone.”

“It’s in your best interest to dress as if you’re always expecting company.”

Her molars ground tightly. “What do you need?”

“I assume Mr. Buchanan informed you about the art gala tonight.”

“He mentioned something about a fundraiser.”

“Right, well, the event’s been relocated to the mansion.”


“Do you see another mansion? We only have nine hours to get everything up to par. All personal items will have to be hidden away, and the kitchen will need to be accessible to the catering staff.”

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