Kings of Blood and Money (Underworld Kings) - Page 51

Running my palm across her hip, I curl my body around hers, my thick cock nestling between her ass cheeks.

“Hmmm,” she moans, flexing her pelvis, her body waking up, moving to become flush with mine.

My finger caresses a path down her pussy, “Are you sore?” I ask, nipping her earlobe, grinding myself against her. Her little gasp sends a rush of heat to my chest. The pads of my fingers find her clit, massaging in soft, deliberate, circular movements. Hooking her leg over my hip and pushing her ass further against me, she answers me without words. Reaching an arm behind me into Remi’s bedside drawer, I pull out a condom and tear it open with my teeth before sheathing my cock. Remi stirs when Freya’s nails scrape across his stomach as I push into her. Her walls are tight, swollen, wet.

Yanking the covers away, Remi slips down the bed, watching me enter her. “Fuck, you’re tight, Freya,” I groan, her pussy clutching me like a vise.

Remi pushes my hand from between her legs, guiding me to her tits, then he leans forward and captures her clit with his lips. She dilutes around me, little spasms jolting her body as I bury myself to the hilt.

“Oh…my…fuck,” she cries as Remi wrings an orgasm from her, teasing her clit before kissing a path up her body and sucking on her hard nipples. I buck my hips into her, our bodies moving in sync, a wave on the ocean, powerful, all-consuming, unpredictable. Sweat beads over our joined bodies, hands touching, feeling, lips tasting. Her pussy claims me, wringing my release on a ragged breath.


I feel Freya’s eyes on me as I move through the kitchen, her gaze wandering to the locked door when she thinks I don’t notice.

The woman I brought in to tell us what needs to happen to get the place ready for the party jots some notes on her iPad. “I want surveillance cameras installed throughout,” I inform her, “but not obvious.” As a precaution, I want eyes on everyone who enters this house. People get curious and bold when they’re supplied with alcohol. We don’t want anyone nosing in places they shouldn’t be.

“That should be easy to have installed. I’ll get someone in today to make a plan. On another note, I think we need to have a bar in the main reception room,” she waffles on. I can’t take my eyes of Freya, all flushed and staring at me.

Remi is at the stove making her an omelet. That fucker doesn’t cook for anyone. He’s whipped, and I know why. That girl is a drug.

Her eyes flit to the woman and she says something to Remi who looks over at me and chuckles. “Excuse me.”

I leave her to carrying on mapping the house and slip into the seat next to Freya. “What are you two giggling about?” I run a hand down her arm, making a sprinkle of goosebumps rise on her flesh.

“She thinks the party planner wants your dick,” Remi scoffs, flipping the omelet and plating it up.

“Can you blame her?” I ask, cocksure.

Freya’s face tightens, then she shrugs. “No, but she can’t have it.”

Remi joins us, placing a plate in front of her and himself. “Am I chopped liver?” I growl, grabbing his plate and sliding it across the table.

“Dude?” Remi barks, hands raised.

“You can share mine,” Freya coos, all cute and seductive, forking a chunk of egg and offering it to him.

Grinning like the king of the fucking world, he takes it into his mouth, winking at her. “It’s the only thing I’m sharing, though. Make that clear to the junk watcher,” Freya says, looking at me, her face completely serious.

“Junk watcher?”

“The party planner. She was checking out your cock,” Remi clarifies.

Speaking of the cock watcher, the woman enters the kitchen again, this time holding Midnight. “I would suggest you find a room to lock the cat away in during the gathering. Or a pet hotel maybe?”

Frowning, Freya gets up, taking her cat from the woman “I don’t like it when people touch my things,” she states, before saying, “I’m going to get dressed. I think I’m going to go to the mall for a few things today.”

“Oh, I get to pick out your panties,” Remi chirps up, and the woman’s eyes widen, her cheeks flushing.

“I need you here today. I can’t have people in and out without being vetted and watched while they’re here,” I inform him, and he actually pouts. “I’ll need you to take her out the night of the party, however. Book a hotel. Do something fun. Just do it away from here.”

“You don’t want me here as a precaution?” He doesn’t like leaving me alone for things like this, but Freya is more important.

“It’s just a fuckfest. I’ll be fine. Take our girl out, show her a good time.”

Tags: Ker Dukey Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024