Mia rolled her eyes. “Don’t jinx me. I’m married to my fledgling design business.”
Sera nudged Jordan. “Good luck, Mia. I’ll prolong Jordan’s wedding planning as long as I can.”
Mia threw her a grateful look. “Thanks. I’m glad I’m gaining an additional ally in this family.” She gave her brother a baleful look. “It’s been rough going.”
As Camilla called Mia over with a question, Jordan glanced at his watch. “Your family should be here soon.”
Sera squeezed her hands together. Not out of nervousness but excitement. “Yup. And Mom is bringing a date.”
Her mother’s male friend, as Rosana Perini referred to him, had turned out to be a mild-mannered, middle-aged guy with glasses and a quiet sense of humor. Sera had liked him instantly and was glad her mother was taking the next step by inviting him to be her date today.
Dante, of course, wouldn’t miss today, either. Once he and their mother had understood that Sera and Jordan had worked out things between them, and how in love they were, they’d been just as excited as the Serenghettis about the relationship. And Dante naturally had been thrilled about becoming the brother-in-law of the Razors’ star player.
Sera hooked her arm through Jordan’s and beamed at him.
He was having his best season yet with the Razors. And as a result, Marv had had a great negotiating position. In fact, Jordan’s new contract with the Razors had exceeded expectations, and his endorsement deals had so far been renewed for impressive sums. The result was that Jordan’s plans to fund the rehabilitation facility at Welsdale Children’s Hospital were right on track. Even Bernice was happy with all the new sports-team business that Astra Therapeutics was getting after their success with Jordan.
He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Have I told you recently that I love you?”
“Not in a few hours.”
“Maybe it’s time to find another cloakroom.”
Sera half laughed, half gasped. “We’re at our own engagement party.”
Jordan straightened and his eyes gleamed. “It wouldn’t surprise anyone. And Mia might even be expecting it.”
“Something tells me we’ll be searching for a cloakroom for the rest of our lives.”
Jordan leaned in for a kiss. “I’m counting on it.”
* * *