Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 18

“So that’s it, huh? She’s the kind of girl who grabs your attention?”

It was true that I didn’t pay much attention to women unless I was in the mood to fuck. I didn’t do relationships, so I understood his surprise. “Believe it or not, I never knew what she looked like until she showed up here. She wouldn’t meet me back when we were kids.”

“That’s not what I mean. I always thought you’d go for the sweet, docile type. Like a schoolteacher or something but Vivi looks a touch tough and badass. Like way more woman than I thought you’d ever want.”

“You saw those legs, right

?” His grin matched my own as I thought about those long legs wrapped around me while I fucked her all over my bedroom. That was two days ago. Too fucking long.

“I’ll see what else I can find out. With her help I’ll find out what the fuck is up with those Feds and Roadkill too.”

Cross looked shocked by my words but he only nodded. “Good. Keep me in the loop and I’ll have a chat with Savior.”

“Don’t bother.” I didn’t give a shit. Not with Vivi waiting at home for me. “Later.”

Chapter Ten


Another day had come and gone holed up at Jag’s and still no fucking word from Bob. I was officially beyond pissed off and secretly hoping that the reason she hadn’t called back yet was because she couldn’t. Permanently couldn’t. Not that I wanted any harm to come to Bob, I just wanted to come up with a reason for her radio silence. On top of all that, I couldn’t even peek inside my apartment since all the cameras had been removed. By the damn police who wouldn’t stop calling me.

After two days of nonstop calls, I picked up angrily. “Yes, Detective, I am very much alive and well and I’d like to stay that way.”

“Do you have any idea who could be behind this, Ms. Montgomery?”

Not any answer he would believe. “Not a clue, so if you could find out who the fuck ran me off the road, I’ll donate a thousand bucks to the Police Foundation.” That came dangerously close to bribing an official, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

The detective sighed. “Ma’am we can’t keep you safe if we don’t know where you are.”

“You can’t keep me safe anyway, Detective. But I can keep me safe until you find this psycho. I promise to keep you updated regularly.”

He waited a beat and when the detective spoke, there was resignation in his voice. “Fine. You can reach me at—”

“I’ll have no problem finding you,” I told him and ended the call quickly. The last thing I needed was someone else on Governor Blaise’s payroll able to find me. Then again, with that tracker they knew I was in or near Vegas.

Done with one set of lawmen, I turned my attention to another duo, specifically the two federal agents from the photos. I already knew they were Agents Ryan and Hewitt and in less than an hour I had their home and cell phone numbers, personal and work email addresses and all kinds of other personal information that two members of law enforcement should know better than to make it so easy. Lucky for them, I just wanted information, not to ruin their lives.

Not yet, anyway.

Armed with things like wives’ birthdays and anniversaries it took me no time at all to pull up phone records, which was where I struck gold. Or at least gold plated. Two phone numbers appeared too frequently to be a stranger but not nearly enough to be a mistress. And the most fucked up part of all? Both numbers had Nevada area codes and a quick reverse number search produced one result. Vigo Rizzoli, a name that meant nothing at all to me but gave me another string to start pulling. “Got it!” The other number belonged to Roadkill MC, a motorcycle club located in the heart of Las Vegas.

That definitely was not a fucking coincidence, and further digging showed that Vigo Rizzoli wasn’t just a member of the club, he was the goddamn VP. Those familiar tingles that had helped me avoid real danger my whole life, began at my toes and quickly worked their way up. A picture was forming in my mind, but I couldn’t see all of it. But the deeper I dug into Roadkill, the more shit I found I didn’t want to know—coke, heroin, underage girls, guns and even contract killings. And the more I found out, the more I began to think that coming to Vegas—to Jag—might have been my biggest mistake of all.

The online police blotters for both Mayhem and Las Vegas proper revealed a longstanding feud between Roadkill and the Reckless Bastards, with group arrests going back years and years. I didn’t know what it meant, yet, but I would.

I hoped.

Doubts began to creep in and I couldn’t stop them. Doubts about whether or not I could trust Jag. He was in a club. They were also a club. What if both clubs did business together and giving him this bit of information only put me in more trouble? I trusted Jag, or at least I thought I did. For now I would keep it to myself.

“Hey. How are you feeling?”

Jag’s voice startled me and pulled me from my thoughts. I slammed my laptop shut and looked at him with a blank expression. “Fine. It’s not like I’m a delicate flower or anything.”

He rolled his eyes but the smile that pulled his lush lips up at the corner made my pussy clench. Damn stupid lady hormones. “Good. Let’s go.”

“Where?” I stayed where I was with my arms crossed, waiting for more details.

“Just come on. And grab your helmet.” Damn stubborn man just walked off but not before I saw the smirk on his face. He was enjoying bossing me around.

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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