Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 20

“This is our appointment?” I pointed at the suburban monstrosity.

“Yes. Come on.” He pulled me inside of a furnished but unlived in home. “This is the quick dime tour.”

I laughed as my gaze bounced off what few details there were—basic farmhouse-style furniture in soothing shades of blue and green, plain pale blue walls and an exposed beam kitchen—while Jag pulled me through to the backyard. “That tour was worth way less than a dime. I expect some change back.”

“I’m fresh out of cash. I’ll get you later,” he said, flashing that slow burning smile that did things to my insides. “Let’s have a seat.” He curled his body around me on a large lounger in the center of the yard, overlooking an egg-shaped pool.

“This place is nice. Yours or the club’s?”

“Mine. This house is the dream of a future I’m not sure I’ll have. But if I do…” he said but never finished.

“You’ll already have the house?”

“Yeah, something like that.” He pulled a joint from his pocket and sparked it, taking a long pull before handing it to me.

“I haven’t smoked pot since I was twenty-one. You know the feds drug test.” And it was damn good quality. I took three more hits until I felt weightless in his arms. Until all I could feel was his warm skin and the only thing I could smell was his clean, masculine scent. I let my body revel in being this close to him. I rarely allowed this level of closeness with anyone but right now, I let myself enjoy it.

“I know you’re not telling me everything, Vivi.”

So much for enjoyment. “And?”

“And I don’t like it. But dammit, Vivi, I couldn’t stand it if something happened to you.”

I nodded at his words and stood, feeling uncomfortable with the emotion I heard in his voice. There weren’t any people left in my life who cared. There were people I knew, people who I was useful to or were useful to me. A few might be considered friends, but the rest were acquaintances at best. Colleagues, really.

So I buried down the soft, vulnerable feelings that threatened to rise up and I stripped right in front of him before slipping into the pool. I swam the length and back, clearing my mind and berating myself for wanting to tell him everything. I would, but not yet. “What the—” I spluttered as my forward movement was halted by a hand wrapped around my ankle.

“You are fucking stubborn as hell, woman.” He tugged me closer until our naked bodies were lined up perfectly.

“Hey.” My voice was breathless, projecting just how turned on I was by this man.

“Hey back.” His lips pulled into a smile and then his mouth was attacking mine in a frenzy of raw hunger. It was a kiss unlike any I’d ever felt before, hitting me right between the legs and I wrapped myself around him. I needed to get closer. I had to. But before I could, he lifted me out of the water and onto the cool concrete, with my legs spread wide he buried his face between my legs and did the thing he did so well.

I looked up at the darkening sky while Jag ate my pussy and brought me to sexual heights I’d never experienced. And when my orgasm came on violently, he didn’t even give me a chance to come down before I was back in the water and sliding down his cock. “Oh fuck!”

He didn’t let up, driving deep and hard into me, the water making it feel like we were floating in the air.

“Vivi. So perfect. So fucking tight.”

His deep growling voice was adding more fuel to the fire and my hips began to swirl and pump against him.

“Jag, please. More.”

“Vivi,” he growled again, sliding us over until his feet were on the bottom of the pool. Then he fucked me like his life depended on it, hard and fast and so damn deep I was pretty sure he couldn’t get any deeper.

“Oh fuck,” I moaned, gripping him tighter as he pumped harder and deeper. And then I was swimming in the most overwhelming orgasm of my life. Maybe it was the pot, but it was probably the man. The man still thrusting into me as pleasure kept me in a hazy fog that stole my breath and made me dizzy. “Damn.”

His smile was intense as he kept thrusting until a low growl escaped and those last few strokes pulled a second orgasm out of me just as his own orgasm vibrated through both of us, causing small waves in the pool. “Fuck, Vivi. You undo me.”

“Ditto, Jeremiah.” His breaths were fast and shallow, matching mine as we stared at each other in wonder. That passion, that intensity had come out of nowhere. Burning hot and fast.

That was probably a fitting foreshadowing of how things were destined to end.

Chapter Eleven


“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I’d spotted Vivi across the street from GET INK’D at the end of my afternoon shift and she was taking pictures. Lasso and I swung wide to cross the street without her noticing.

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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