Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 24

“It means we don’t tell each other everything and that’s how it should stay.”

“That’s not good enough. Tell me why you’re checking out Roadkill MC or I’ll go in there and ask them.” He was getting angry and even though my brain wanted to hurl insults at him, my nipples puckered and my clit swelled with desire. It was a real fucking conundrum.

“Because you’re such good friends? Go ahead.”

“So you can take off the minute I get out? I don’t think so, babe.”

“What are you doing here?” I was curious how he found me since I used an alias at the hotel and the car rental place, but I’d never ask. I knew he had the skills.

“You left in the middle of the night. Are you really that surprised?”

“My camper is at your place, Jag. I would have been back.” Eventually. Probably in the middle of the night. Again. “Someone who owns a red truck is a known associate of a member of this club. Happy?” That was sort of true.

He sighed and rested a hand on top of mine. “I should have told you even though I haven’t done any work for them in over six months. I called Slauson to see if she knew anything about your problem and the first I heard from her was that phone call.”

I held up a hand to stop him. “You know what? I shouldn’t have come to you. Let’s chalk it up to childish nostalgia.”

“Bullshit.” He bit the word out, hard and angry.

I sucked in a breath to give Jag a piece of my mind but a bullet pierced the windshield, whizzing between us and lodging in the backseat cupholder. “Shit.” I turned over the engine but the damn thing was so silent, I forgot it was running. “What the fuck?”

“Drive! Keep your head down!”

I had at least enough presence of mind to stomp on the accelerator. The moves were instinctive, just a way to put some distance between us and the source of the bullets. “It’s kind of hard to do both!” Driving with my head down kind of impeded my ability to see but with every stop sign I ignored, the sounds quieted until they stopped. “Holy fuck!”

“Did you see who was shooting at us?”

“Hell no but my guess is one of your Roadkill buddies.”

“Oh that’s right, find a way to blame me.”

“If you hadn’t distracted me then I would have been paying attention! Dammit!” I needed some time and some space to think. To figure out what to do next. “Where am I taking you?”

“Wherever it is you think you’re going.”

“I need to be alone. To think. Alone.”

“Too damn bad, girl. You’re not going to be alone for one damn minute until we figure out who the hell is behind these attempts on your life. Don’t like it, I don’t give a shit. Be pissed all you want but I’ll be glued to your side. Get used to it.”

Is that all it took to get me all hot and bothered? A hot biker bossing me around?

Sadly, yes it was.

“Say you understand, Vivi.”

I turned to Jag with a pissed off look. “You understand, Vivi.”

He smirked. “Smart ass.”

Chapter Thirteen


Since Vivi wasn’t eager to give me all the details of what the fuck was going on, I decided to do some digging on my own. I knew Roadkill had a few guys who did freelance wet work, but I still couldn’t find any connection to any of those assholes and Governor Blaise. Three hours and I couldn’t find shit. Less than shit and the person who had all the answers was two feet away from me. Vivi sat beside me with expensive white and gold headphones blaring a tinny guitar sound and that was the only sound she made. Other than the rapid click of her fingers over the keyboard.

“You’re staring.” She didn’t look up and her fingers never stopped. “Stop.”

“I’m not staring. I’m trying to see what you’re doing.” I laid my head on her shoulder and chuckled when she tried to shove me away. “What are you doing?”

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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